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In mathematics an injection is an injective function

In medicine, an injection is a method of putting liquid into the body with a hollow needle and a syringe.

There are generally three types of injections - subcutaneous injections[?], intramuscular injections[?] and intravenous infusions[?].

A person with Type I diabetes typically injects insulin subcutaneously. Places on the body where people can inject insulin most easily are:

These areas can vary with the size of the person. Changing the injection site keeps lumps or small dents called lipodystrophies from forming in the skin. However, people should try to use the same body area for injections that are given at the same time each day-for example, always using the stomach for the morning injection or an arm for the evening injection. Using the same body area for these routine injections lessens the possibility of changes in the timing and action of insulin.

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