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There is also Hyderabad, Pakistan[?], a city in Sindh province in Pakistan.

Hyderabad is the capital of the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. Hyderabad and Secunderabad[?] are twin cities, separated by the lake Hussain Sagar.

Population of greater metropolitan area estimated at 6 million. Hyderabad and Andhra Pradesh have a high Muslim population in comparison to the rest of India. Languages spoken include Telugu, Hindi and Urdu, with a significant amount of English used in business.

The city and the state are the fore-runners in deploying Information Technology in India. It is called cyberabad for this reason. One of India's largest software companies Satyam[?] is headquartered here. Microsoft has a development centre in the city.

The city was founded in 1591 by Quli Qutub Shah.

The city is rich with tourist spots. some of the Landmarks in Hyderabad include

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