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An egg is either:

Reptile eggs, bird eggs, and mammalian monotreme eggs are surrounded by a protective shell, either flexible or inflexible.

Eggs in Cooking

Birds' eggs are commonly regarded as a food source by non-vegans. The most-used eggs are chicken, duck and goose, but smaller eggs such as quail eggs are occasionally used as a gourmet ingredient. Eggs are frequently used in both sweet and savoury dishes as a source of protein and/or to bind the other ingredients in a recipe together. Egg-yolks contain a small amount of fat and cholesterol, and people on a low-cholesterol diet may feel the need to cut down on egg consumption, though scientists are unsure of the merit of such a move. Egg-whites consist primarily of water (7/8th) and protein (1/8th) and contain no cholesterol or fat.

The primary cooking techniques for savoury eggs are:

Eggs as Decoration

Egg proverbs

Ovoid means egg-shaped.

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