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Constantine II of the Roman Empire

Constantine II, (February 317 - 340), was Roman Emperor (337 - 340). The eldest son of Constantine I the Great and Fausta[?], he was born at Arles in present day South of France.

Following the death of his father in 337, Constantine II became joint Emperor with his brothers Constantius II and Constans.

His section of the Empire was Gaul, Britain, Spain and part of Africa. In 340 he marched against Constans, in an attempt to take Italy, but was defeated at Aquileia and died in battle. Constans came to control his deceased brother's realm.

See also: Byzantine Emperors, Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire.

Preceded by:
Constantine I the Great
(306 - 337)
Roman emperors
Followed by:
Constans (337 - 350)

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