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Aerotech Laboratories

Aerotech Laboratories, Inc. is a large commercial Indoor Air Quality (IAQ[?]) laboratory, founded in 1993, that now has over 300 employees. It provides analytical services in a variety of fields including IAQ, Industrial Hygiene[?], Consumer Products and Food Safety, Biological Warfare[?], and Environmental Testing.

The company is accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation[?] (A2LA). Additionally, the American Industrial Hygiene Association[?] (AIHA) has accredited Aerotech Laboratories in environmental microbiology (EMLAP), Industrial Hygiene (IHLAP) and the general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO 17025).

Among the analyses offered are:

External Link
Aerotech Laboratories, Inc. (http://www.aerotechlabs.com)

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