Wikipedia static dump created with tero-dump Content is provided under the GNU Free Documentation License This 0.1 is an unstable development version, and there are still broken links (Redirected from foo, those starting with numbers 3-6). Wikipedia is the worlds biggest free encylopedia. Tero-dump extracts wikipedia to normal html pages, so that it can be browsed offline, mirrored and copied to cdroms, laptops and pda's. project is based on participation. If tero-dump is used while online, you can easily edit articles on the live wikipedia by clicking the heading of an article. Links to non-existant articles are directed to too. Non existant article links are marked with a [?]. Pages are made lighter than normal, based on printable=yes profile. Images are not yet included, but if you copy upload/ directory from it should work automagically (look at the img src links). Could somebody make a tarball of those images? First page has subject and alphabethical index of Wikipedia. There is no search engine included. With new browsers, the alphabethical index works well with typeahed find. If you just copy the html files to your hard disk, you can use the same programs to search wikipedia/tero-dump as any other files, such as locate (remember to updatedb) or swish++. Tero-dump creates a static html dump of SQL database. Currently, tero-dump is a combination of editing wikipedia source, bunch of mod_rewrite rules and command line options to wget. I am open to feedback at karvinen+terodump at-sign