ISO Working Draft SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) «Addendum 1 to SQL-92» February 1993 ISO CLI Addendum Working Draft-February 18, 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts Contents Page Foreword......................................................... v Introduction.....................................................vii 1 Scope ........................................................ 1 2 Normative references ......................................... 1 3 Definitions, notations, and conventions ...................... 1 4 Concepts ..................................................... 1 5 Call Level Interface specifications .......................... 1 5.1 Introduction ............................................... 2 5.2 .............................................. 4 5.3 invocation ................................... 9 5.4 CLI common elements ........................................12 5.4.1Implicit set connection ....................................12 5.4.2Implicit cursor ............................................12 5.4.3Implicit using clause ......................................13 5.4.4Tables associated with CLI .................................17 5.4.5Return codes and status records ............................18 5.4.6CLI-specific status codes ..................................20 5.4.7Miscellaneous characteristics ..............................21 5.4.7Handles ....................................................21 5.4.7Null terminated strings ....................................21 5.4.7Null pointers ..............................................21 5.5 CLI routines ...............................................22 5.5.1AllocConnect ...............................................22 5.5.2AllocEnv ...................................................23 5.5.3AllocStmt ..................................................23 5.5.4BindCol ....................................................25 5.5.5BindParam ..................................................26 5.5.6Cancel .....................................................28 5.5.7ColAttribute ...............................................28 5.5.8Connect ....................................................30 5.5.9DescribeCol ................................................33 5.5.1Disconnect .................................................35 5.5.1Error ......................................................36 5.5.1ExecDirect .................................................37 5.5.1Execute ....................................................39 5.5.1Fetch ......................................................41 5.5.1FreeConnect ................................................42 5.5.1FreeEnv ....................................................42 5.5.1FreeStmt ...................................................43 ii (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5.1GetCol .....................................................44 5.5.1GetCursorName ..............................................47 5.5.2NumResultCols ..............................................48 5.5.2Prepare ....................................................48 5.5.2RowCount ...................................................50 5.5.2SetCursorName ..............................................51 5.5.2SetParamValue ..............................................52 5.5.2Transact ...................................................54 Annex A Typical header files...................................57 A.1 C Header File SQLCLI.H .....................................57 A.2 COBOL Header File SQLCLI.CBH ...............................60 Annex B Sample C programs......................................63 B.1 Create Table, Insert, Select ...............................63 B.2 Interactive Query ..........................................65 Index Table of Contents iii YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 TABLES Table Page 1 Abbreviated CLI generic names ..............................17 2 Codes used for SQL data types in CLI .......................18 3 Codes used for buffer data types ...........................18 4 SQLSTATE class and subclass values for CLI-specific condi- tions.......................................................20 iv (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 Foreword Foreword v YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 Introduction The organization of this International Standard is as follows: 1) Introduction vii YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 Information Technology - Database Languages - SQL Addendum 1 - SQL Call-Level Interface (SQL CLI) 1 Scope 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this National Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this National Standard are encouraged to investigate the possi- bility of applying the most recent editions of the standards listed below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. - ISO/IEC 9075:1992, Information Technology - Database Languages - SQL. 3 Definitions, notations, and conventions 4 Concepts 5 Call Level Interface specifications Call Level Interface specifications 1 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.1 Introduction 5.1 Introduction The Call Level Interface (CLI) is an alternative mechanism for executing SQL statements. It consists of a number of routines that: 1) Allocate and deallocate resources. 2) Control connections to SQL-servers. 3) Execute SQL statements using similar mechanisms to dynamic SQL. 4) Obtain diagnostic information. 5) Control transactions. The AllocEnv, AllocConnect, and AllocStmt routines allocate the resources to manage an SQL-environment, an SQL-connection, and SQL-statement processing, respectively. An SQL-connection is al- located within the context of an allocated SQL-environment and an SQL-statement is allocated within the context of an allocated SQL-connection. The FreeEnv, FreeConnect, and FreeStmt routines deallocate the corresponding resources. The Connect routine establishes an SQL-connection. The Disconnect routine terminates an established SQL-connection. Switching be- tween established SQL-connections occurs automatically whenever the application switches processing to a dormant SQL-connection. The ExecDirect routine is used for a one-time execution of an SQL- statement. The Prepare routine is used to prepare an SQL-statement for subsequent execution using the Execute routine. A description of the resultant columns of a or is obtained either one attribute at a time by using the ColAttribute routine or all attributes at a time, except for the column count, by using the DescribeCol rou- tine. The column count can be independently obtained by using the NumResultCols routine. Executed SQL-statements can contain dynamic parameters. For each dynamic parameter, either a value source must be established by using the BindParam routine or a value must be set by using the SetParamValue routine. When a value source is established, the value is not retrieved until the SQL-statement is executed. When a value is set, that value is used when the SQL-statement is ex- ecuted. When a or is executed, a cursor is implicitly declared and opened. The cursor name can be preset by using the SetCursorName routine. If a cursor name is not preset, an implementation- dependent cursor name is generated. The current cursor name can be retrieved by using the GetCursorName routine. The Fetch routine is used to position an open cursor on the next row and retrieve the values of certain columns of that row. The column values retrieved by the Fetch routine are for those columns for which a correspond- ing result target has previously been established by use of the BindCol routine. Values for columns without a corresponding result 2 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.1 Introduction target can be individually retrieved by using the GetCol routine. The GetCol routine also enables the values of character string columns to be retrieved piece by piece. The current row of a cursor can be deleted by the execution of a for that cursor. The current row of a cursor can be updated by the execution of a for that cursor. An option of the FreeStmt routine enables a cursor to be closed. The Error routine is used to obtain diagnostic information about the execution of the most recent routine operating on a particular resource. As it obtains information about only a single condition, it needs to be used repeatedly to retrieve all the available diag- nostic information. Information on the number of rows affected by the last executed SQL-statement is obtained by using the RowCount routine. An SQL-transaction is terminated by using the Transact routine. Note: Neither a nor a may be executed using the ExecDirect or Execute routines. The Cancel routine is used to cancel the execution of a concur- rently executing CLI routine. Call Level Interface specifications 3 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.2 5.2 Function Describe a generic CLI routine. Format ::= [ ] ::= ::= | ::= SQLR ::= SQL ::= AllocConnect | AllocEnv | AllocStmt | BindCo | BindParam | Cancel | ColAttribute | Connect | DescribeCol | Disconnect | Error | ExecDirect | Execute | Fetch | FreeConnect | FreeEnv | FreeStmt | GetCol | GetCursorName | NumResultCols | Prepare | RowCount | SetCursorName | SetParamValue | Transact ::= [ { }... ] 4 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.2 ::= ::= !! See the individual CLI routine defini- tions ::= IN | OUT | DEFIN | DEFOUT ::= INTEGER | SMALLINT | POINTER | CHARACTER ::= RETURNS SMALLINT Syntax Rules 1) is a pre-defined routine written in a standard programming language that is invoked by a compilation unit of the same standard programming language. Let HL be that standard programming language. HL shall be one of Ada, C, COBOL, Fortran, MUMPS, Pascal and PL/I. 2) that contains a is called a CLI function. A that does not contain a is called a CLI procedure. 3) For each CLI function CF, there is a corresponding CLI procedure CP, with the same . The for CP is the same as the for CF but with the following additional : ReturnCode OUT SMALLINT 4) HL shall support either the invocation of CF or the invocation of CP. It is implementation-defined which is supported. 5) Case: a) If is IN, then the parameter is an input parameter. The value of an input argument is established when a CLI routine is invoked. b) If is OUT, then the parameter is an out- put parameter. The value of an output argument is established when a CLI routine is executed. Call Level Interface specifications 5 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.2 c) If is DEFIN, then the parameter is a deferred input parameter. The value of a deferred input ar- gument for a CLI routine R is not established when R is in- voked, but subsequently during the execution of a related CLI routine. d) If is DEFOUT, then the parameter is a deferred output parameter. The value of a deferred output argument for a CLI routine R is not established by the execu- tion of R but subsequently by the execution of a related CLI routine. Note: CLI routines that have deferred parameters are not pro- vided by implementations that do not support deferred param- eters. This means that these implementations do not provide the option of binding dynamic parameter value sources and result targets. 6) An output, deferred output or deferred input argument provides an address. It is either a non-pointer host variable passed by reference or a pointer host-variable passed by value. 7) A by-value version of a CLI routine is a version that expects each of its input parameters to be provided as an actual value. A by-reference version of a CLI routine is a version that ex- pects each of its input parameters to be provided as an address. Case: a) If the parameter passing paradigm for HL is (only) by-value, then both by-value and by-reference versions of each CLI routine shall be supported. b) Otherwise, only by-reference versions of each CLI routine shall be supported. 8) If a is a by-reference routine, then its contains a . Otherwise, its contains a . 9) The for a CLI function shall be different from the of any other CLI function. The for a CLI procedure shall be different from the of any other CLI procedure. 10)s are unique within the first 10 characters. Any implementation that requires routine names to be unique within less than 10 characters effectively replaces the with an abbreviated name according to the follow- ing rules: a) Any remains unchanged. b) Any is replaced by SQR. 6 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.2 c) The is replaced by an abbreviated version according to Table 1, "Abbreviated CLI generic names". 11)Let CR be a and let RN be its . Let RNU be the value of UPPER(RN). Case: a) If an implementation supports case sensitive routine names, then the name used for the invocation of CR shall be RN. b) If an implementation does not support s, then the name used for the invocation of CR shall be RNU. c) If an implementation does not support case sensitive routine names, then the name used for the invocation of CR shall be RN or RNU. 12)Let "operative data type correspondence table" be the data type correspondence table for HL as specified in (typecorr\FULL). Refer to the two columns of the operative data type correspon- dence table as the "SQL data type column" and the "host data type column". 13)Let TI, TS, TC, and TV be the types listed in the host data type column for the rows that contains INTEGER, SMALLINT, CHARACTER(L) and CHARACTER VARYING(L), respectively, in the SQL data type column. a) If TS is "None", then let TS = TI. b) If TC is "None", then let TC = TV. c) For each parameter P: i) If HL is C and the CLI routine is a by-value routine and P is an input parameter, then let TI = "long" and TS = "short". ii) Case: 1) If the CLI parameter data type is INTEGER, then the type of the corresponding argument shall be TI. 2) If the CLI parameter data type is SMALLINT, then the type of the corresponding argument shall be TS. 3) If the CLI parameter data type is CHARACTER(L), then the type of the corresponding argument shall be TC. 4) If the CLI parameter data type is POINTER, then: Case: A) If HL is C, then the type of the corresponding argu- ment shall be "void *". Call Level Interface specifications 7 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.2 B) Otherwise, the type of the corresponding argument shall be TI, TS, or TC. d) If the CLI routine is a CLI function, then: Case: i) If HL is C, then the type of the returned value is "short". ii) Otherwise, the type of the returned value is TS. Access Rules: None. General Rules: 1) The rules for invocation of the are specified in Subclause 5.3, " invocation". 8 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.3 invocation 5.3 invocation Function Specify the rules for invocation of a . Syntax Rules 1) Let HL be the standard programming language of the invoking host program. 2) A CLI function or CLI procedure is invoked by the HL mechanism for invoking functions or procedures, respectively. 3) Let RN be the of the invoked by the host program. The number of arguments provided in the invocation shall be the same as the number of s for RN. 4) Let DA be the data type of the i-th argument in the invocation and let DP be the of the i-th of RN. DA shall be the HL equivalent of DP as specified by the rules of Subclause 5.2, "". General Rules 1) If the value of any input argument provided by the host program falls outside the set of allowed values of the data type of the parameter, or if the value of any output argument resulting from the execution of the falls outside the set of values supported by the host program for that parameter, then the effect is implementation-defined. 2) Let GRN be the of RN. 3) When the is called by the host program: Case: a) If RN is a CLI routine with a statement handle as an input parameter and GRN is not 'Error', then: i) The values of all input arguments to RN are established. ii) If the statement handle does not identify an allocated SQL- statement, then an exception condition is raised: invalid handle. Otherwise, let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by the statement handle. iii) If GRN is not 'Cancel', then any status records associated with S are destroyed. iv) Let C be the allocated SQL-connection with which S is asso- ciated. Call Level Interface specifications 9 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.3 invocation v) If there is no established SQL-connection associated with C, then an exception condition is raised: connection exception-connection does not exist. Otherwise, let EC be the established SQL-connection associated with C. vi) If EC is not the current connection, then the General Rules of Subclause 5.4.1, "Implicit set connection", are applied to EC as the dormant connection. vii) RN is invoked. b) Otherwise: i) The values of all input arguments to RN are established. ii) RN is invoked. 4) Case: a) If the is a CLI function, then: i) The values of all output arguments are established. ii) Let RC be the return value. b) If the is a CLI procedure, then: i) The values of all output arguments are established except for the argument associated with the ReturnCode parameter. ii) Let RC be the argument associated with the ReturnCode pa- rameter. 5) Case: a) If RN executed successfully, then: i) Either a completion condition is raised: successful com- pletion, or a completion condition is raised: warning, or a completion condition is raised: no data, as deter- mined by the rules of this and other Subclauses of this International Standard. ii) Case: 1) If a completion condition is raised: successful comple- tion, then RC is set to indicate Success. 2) If a completion condition is raised: warning, then RC is set to indicate Success_with_information. 3) If a completion condition is raised: no data, then RC is set to indicate No_data_found. iii) If RN did not execute successfully, then: 10 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.3 invocation iv) All changes made to SQL-data or schemas by the execution of RN are canceled. v) An exception condition is raised as determined by the rules in this and other Subclauses of this International Standard. vi) Case: 1) If an exception condition is raised: invalid handle, then RC is set to indicate Invalid_Handle. 2) Otherwise, RC is set to indicate_Error. 6) Case: a) If GRN is not 'Error' and RC indicates either_Error or Success_with_information, then status information result- ing from the execution of RN is placed into status records as specified in Subclause 5.4.5. b) Otherwise, no status records are generated. Call Level Interface specifications 11 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.4 CLI common elements 5.4 CLI common elements 5.4.1 Implicit set connection Function Specify the rules for an implicit SET CONNECTION statement. General Rules 1) Let DC be a dormant SQL-connection specified in an application of this Subclause. 2) If an SQL-transaction is active for the current SQL-connection and the implementation does not support transactions that affect more than one SQL-server, then an exception condition is raised: feature not supported-multiple server transactions. 3) If DC cannot be selected, then an exception condition is raised: connection exception-connection failure. 4) The current SQL-connection and current SQL-session become a dormant SQL-connection and a dormant SQL-session, respectively. The SQL-session context information is preserved and is not affected in any way by operations performed over the selected SQL-connection. Note: The SQL-session context information is defined in Subclause 4.29, "SQL-sessions". 5) DC becomes the current SQL-connection and the SQL-session asso- ciated with DC becomes the current SQL-session. All SQL-session context information is restored to the same state as at the time DC became dormant. Note: The SQL-session context information is defined in Subclause 4.29, "SQL-sessions". 6) The SQL-server for the subsequent execution of SQL-statements via CLI routine invocations is set to that of the current SQL- connection. 5.4.2 Implicit cursor Function Specify the rules for an implicit DECLARE CURSOR and OPEN state- ment. General Rules 1) Let SS and AS be a SELECT SOURCE and ALLOCATED STATEMENT speci- fied in an application of this Subclause. 12 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.4 CLI common elements 2) Case: a) If there is no cursor associated with AS, then a cursor is associated with AS. If a cursor name is associated with AS, then that is used as the name of the cursor; otherwise the name of the cursor is a unique implementation-dependent name that has the prefix "SQLCUR". Let CN be the name of the cur- sor. b) Otherwise, let CN be the name of the cursor associated with AS. 3) Let CR be the following : DECLARE CN CURSOR FOR SS 4) The General Rules of Subclause 5.4.3, "Implicit using clause", are applied to 'OPEN', SS, and AS as TYPE, SOURCE, and ALLOCATED STATEMENT, respectively. 5) Cursor CN is opened in the following steps: a) A copy of SS is effectively created in which: i) Each is replaced by the value of the corresponding dynamic parameter. ii) Each generally contained in SS that is USER, CURRENT_USER, SESSION_USER or SYSTEM_USER is re- placed by the value resulting from evaluation of USER, CURRENT_USER, SESSION_USER or SYSTEM_USER, respectively, with all such evaluations effectively done at the same instant in time; and iii) Each generally contained in SS is replaced by the value resulting from evaluation of that , with all such evaluations effec- tively done at the same instant in time. b) Let T be the table specified by the copy of SS. c) A table descriptor for T is effectively created. d) The General Rules of Subclause 13.1, "", are applied to CR. e) Cursor CN is placed in the open state and its position is before the first row of T. 5.4.3 Implicit using clause Function Specify the rules for an implicit . Call Level Interface specifications 13 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.4 CLI common elements General Rules 1) T, S, and AS be a TYPE, SOURCE, and ALLOCATED STATEMENT speci- fied in an application of this Subclause. 2) If T = 'EXECUTE' or T = 'OPEN', then a) Let DP be the number of s in S. b) Let BP be the number of value sources that are currently bound for AS and let SP be the number of values that are currently set for AS. Let PN be the parameter number associated with a bound value source or a set value and let HP be the value of MAX(PN). c) If HP does not equal (BP+SP) or if DP does not equal HP, then an exception condition is raised: dynamic SQL error- using clause does not match dynamic parameter specifications. d) If BP is not zero, then for each bound value source BPVS: i) The value and its associ- ated indicator value are established. Let these values be SV and IV, respectively. ii) Let BPN be the parameter number associated with BPVS. iii) Let VT be the value type associated with BPVS. iv) If VT indicates CHARACTER, then: 1) Case: A) If IV is greater than zero, then let L be IV. B) If IV is -3, then let L be the number of characters of SV that precede the implementation-defined null character that terminates a C character string. If SV does not contain the implementation-defined null character that terminates a C character string, then an exception condition is raised: data exception- unterminated string. C) If IV is less than 1 but is neither -1 nor -3, then an exception condition is raised: data exception-error in assignment. 2) L is the length of SV. 14 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.4 CLI common elements v) Case: 1) If IV is -1, then the value of dynamic parameter BPN is the general null value. 2) If VT is 99, then SV is the value of dynamic parameter BPN. 3) Otherwise: A) VT indicates the data type of SV. B) Let TDT be the target data type indicated by the tar- get SQL type associated with BPVS and its associated length, precision, and scale as applicable. C) If the CAST (SV AS TDT) violates the General rules of Subclause 6.10, "", then an exception condition is raised in accordance with the General Rules of Subclause 6.10, "". D) The CAST (SV AS TDT) is effectively performed, and is the value of dynamic parameter BPN. e) If SP is not zero, then for each set value SPV: i) Let SPN be the parameter number associated with SPV. ii) SPV is the value of dynamic parameter SPN. f) If the data type of any dynamic parameter value does not match the data type of the corresponding dynamic parameter, then an exception condition is raised: data exception-error in assignment. 3) If T = 'FETCH', then: a) Let BT be the number of bound result targets associated with AS. If BT is zero, then no further rules of this Subclause are applied. b) Let D be the degree of the table described by S. c) If BT is greater than D, then an exception condition is raised: dynamic SQL error- using clause does not match target specifications. Call Level Interface specifications 15 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.4 CLI common elements d) For each column. ii) Let IT be the indicator target associated with BRT. iii) Let TT be the target type associated with BRT. iv) Case: 1) If TT is 99, then let TV = SV. 2) If TT indicates CHARACTER, then: A) Let L be the length value associated with BRT. B) If the CAST (SV AS CHARACTER(L)) violates the General Rules of Subclause 6.10, "", then an exception condition is raised in accordance with the General Rules of Subclause 6.10, "". C) The CAST (SV AS CHARACTER(L)) is effectively performed, and is the target value TV. 3) If TT indicates the same data type as SDT, then let TV = SV. 4) Otherwise, it is implementation-defined whether SV can be converted to the data type indicated by TT. Case: A) If SV cannot be converted to the data type indicated by TT, then an exception condition is raised: dynamic SQL error-restricted data type attribute violation. B) Otherwise, TV is derived from SV according to implementation-defined rules. v) If TV is a null value, then IT is set to the negative num- ber associated with that null value. vi) If TV is not a null value, then: 1) BRT is set to TV. 2) Case: A) If SDT is CHARACTER or CHARACTER VARYING, then IT is set to the length of SV. 16 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.4 CLI common elements B) Otherwise, IT is set to zero. 5.4.4 Tables associated with CLI _______________Table_1-Abbreviated_CLI_generic_names_______________ Generic _Name_________Abbreviation_________________________________________ | AllocConnec| AC | | | | | AllocEnv | AE | | | | | AllocStm | AS | | | | | BindCol | BC | | | | | BindPara | BP | | | | | Cancel | CAN | | | | | ColAttribut| COL | | | | | Connect | CON | | | | | DescribeCol| DC | | | | | Disconnect | DIS | | | | | Error | ERR | | | | | ExecDirect | ED | | | | | Execute | EX | | | | | Fetch | FT | | | | | FreeConnect| FC | | | | | FreeEnv | FE | | | | | FreeStmt | FS | | | | | GetCol | GC | | | | | GetCursorNa|eGCN | | | | | NumResultCo| NRC | | | | | Prepare | PR | | | | | RowCount | RC | | | | | SetCursorNa|eSCN | | | | | SetParamVal|eSPV | | | | |_Transact___|_TR__________________________________________________| | | | Call Level Interface specifications 17 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.4 CLI common elements ____________Table_2-Codes_used_for_SQL_data_types_in_CLI___________ SQL data _type_________Code_________________________________________________ | CHARACTER | 1 | | | | | CHARACTER | 12 | VARYING | DECIMAL | 3 | | | | | DOUBLE | 8 | PRECISION | FLOAT | 6 | | | | | INTEGER | 4 | | | | | NUMERIC | 2 | | | | | REAL | 7 | | | | |_SMALLINT___|_5___________________________________________________| | | | ______________Table_3-Codes_used_for_buffer_data_types_____________ Buffer _data_type____Code_________________________________________________ | CHARACTER | 1 | | | | | DOUBLE | 8 | PRECISION | INTEGER | 4 | | | | | REAL | 7 | | | | |_SMALLINT___|_5___________________________________________________| | | | 5.4.5 Return codes and status records The execution of a CLI routine causes one or more conditions to be raised as determined by the rules of other Subclauses of this International Standard. The basic result of the execution is in- dicated by a code that is returned either as the result of a CLI routine that is a CLI function or as the value of the ReturnCode argument of a CLI routine that is a CLI procedure. The values and meanings of the return codes are as follows: - A value of zero indicates Success. The CLI routine executed successfully. - A value of 1 indicates Success_with_information. The CLI routine executed successfully but a completion condition was raised: warning. 18 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.4 CLI common elements - A value of 100 indicates No_data_found. The CLI routine executed successfully but a completion condition was raised: no data. - A value of -1 indicates Error. The CLI routine did not execute successfully because an exception condition other than invalid handle was raised. - A value of -2 indicates Invalid_Handle. The CLI routine did not execute successfully because an exception condition was raised: invalid handle. Note: If the CLI routine did not execute successfully, then the values of all output arguments are implementation-dependent unless explicitly defined by this International Standard. In addition to providing the return code, for all CLI routines other than Error, the implementation records information about con- ditions that result in Success with information or Error. For each such condition information is recorded in a status record asso- ciated with the resource being utilised. The application accesses the status records one at a time by invoking the CLI routine Error. The application identifies which set of status records is to be ac- cessed by providing the handle of the relevant resource as an input argument. The order in which status records are generated is implementation- dependent. The status record accessed by Error is the first status record, if any, in the relevant set of status records. At the beginning of the execution of any CLI routine other than Error, all existing status records for the resource being utilised are destroyed. After Error has been used to access a status record, that status record is destroyed. Refer to a condition that causes a status record to be generated as a status condition. A status record contains the following informa- tion about a status condition: - The SQLSTATE value corresponding to the status condition. - An integer that is the implementation-defined native error code corresponding to the status condition. - A character string that is the implementation-defined message text that describes the status condition. Note: This may be set to s or to a zero-length string if there is no applicable message text. Call Level Interface specifications 19 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.4 CLI common elements 5.4.6 CLI-specific status codes Some of the conditions that can occur during the execution of CLI routines are CLI-specific. The corresponding status codes are listed in the table below rather than in Subclause 22.1, "SQLSTATE". Table 4-SQLSTATE class and subclass _________________values_for_CLI-specific_conditions________________ _Condition____Class_Subcondition_Subclass__________________________ | CLI- | HY | (no sub- | 000 | specific class) condition | | | function | 010 | | | | sequence | | | | | error | | | | | | | | | | invalid | 009 | | | | argument | | | | | value | | | | | | | | | | invalid | 002 | | | | column | | | | | number | | | | | | | | | | invalid | 012 | | | | trans- | | | | | action | | operation code | | | memory | 001 | | | | allocation | | | | | error | | | | | | | | | | memory | 013 | | | | management | | | | | error | | | | | | | | | | no cursor | 015 | | | | name | | | | | available | | | | | | | | | | operation | 008 | | | | canceled | | | | | | | | | | program | 003 | | | | type out | | of range | | | SQL data | 004 | | | | type out | | |____________|____|_of_range___|___________________________________| | | | | | 20 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.4 CLI common elements 5.4.7 Miscellaneous characteristics Handles The allocation routines return an identifier, known as a handle, that uniquely identifies the allocated resource. Although the CLI parameter data type for a handle parameter is INTEGER, its value has no meaning in any other context and should not be used as a numeric operand or modified in any way. If the related resource cannot be allocated, then a zero handle value is returned. However, even if a resource has been success- fully allocated, processing of that resource can subsequently fail due to insufficient memory. When this situation occurs, an excep- tion condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-memory management error. The validity of a handle in a compilation unit other than the one in which the identified resource was allocated is implementation- defined. Note: Specifying (the address of) a valid handle as the output argument of the allocation routine for that resource type does not have the effect of reinitializing the identified resource. Instead a new resource is allocated and a new handle value overwrites the old one. Null terminated strings An input character string provided by the application may be termi- nated by the implementation-defined null character that terminates C character strings. If this technique is used, the application may set the asssociated length argument to either the length of the string excluding the null terminator or to -3 to indicate that the string is null terminated. All output character strings returned by the implementation are terminated by the implementation-defined null character that termi- nates C character strings. Null pointers If the standard programming language of the invoking host program supports pointers, then the application may provide a zero-valued pointer, referred to as a null pointer, in lieu of an output argu- ment that is to receive the length of a returned character string. This indicates that the application does not wish to be informed of the length of the returned character string. If the application provides a null pointer in any other cir- cumstances, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid argument value. Call Level Interface specifications 21 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines 5.5 CLI routines Subclause 5.2, "", defines a generic CLI routine. This Subclause describes the individual CLI routines in alphabetical order. For convenience, the variable is omitted and the is used for the descriptions. For presentation purposes (and purely arbitrarily), the routines are presented as functions rather than as procedures. 5.5.1 AllocConnect Function Allocate an SQL-connection. Definition AllocConnect ( EnvironmentHandle IN INTEGER, ConnectionHandle OUT INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description Case: a) If EnvironmentHandle does not identify an allocated SQL- environment or if it identifies an allocated skeleton SQL- environment, then ConnectionHandle is set to zero and an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid handle. b) Otherwise: i) Let E be the allocated SQL-environment identified by EnvironmentHandle. ii) Any status records associated with E are destroyed. 1) Case: a) If the memory requirements to manage an SQL-connection cannot be satisfied, then ConnectionHandle is set to zero and an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-memory allocation error. b) If the resources to manage an SQL-connection cannot be allo- cated for implementation-defined reasons, then ConnectionHandle is set to zero and an implementation-defined exception condi- tion is raised. 22 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines c) Otherwise, the resources to manage an SQL-connection are al- located and are referred to as an allocated SQL-connection. The allocated SQL-connection is associated with E and is as- signed a unique value that is returned in ConnectionHandle. 2) The maximum number of SQL-connections that can be allocated at one time is implementation-defined. 5.5.2 AllocEnv Function Allocate an SQL-environment. Definition AllocEnv ( EnvironmentHandle OUT INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description 1) Case: a) If the memory requirements to manage an SQL-environment can- not be satisfied, then EnvironmentHandle is set to zero and an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition- memory allocation error. Note: No status record is generated in this case as there is no valid environment handle to pass to Error in order to obtain status information. b) If the resources to manage an SQL-environment cannot be allocated for implementation-defined reasons, then an implementation-defined exception condition is raised. A skeleton SQL-environment is allocated and is assigned a unique value that is returned in EnvironmentHandle. c) Otherwise, the resources to manage an SQL-environment are al- located and are referred to as an allocated SQL-environment. The allocated SQL-environment is assigned a unique value that is returned in EnvironmentHandle. 2) The maximum number of SQL-environments that can be allocated at one time is implementation-defined. 5.5.3 AllocStmt Function Allocate an SQL-statement. Call Level Interface specifications 23 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines Definition AllocStmt ( ConnectionHandle IN INTEGER, StatementHandle OUT INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description 1) Case: a) If ConnectionHandle does not identify an allocated SQL- connection, then StatementHandle is set to zero and an ex- ception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid handle. b) Otherwise: i) Let C be the allocated SQL-connection identified by ConnectionHandle. ii) Any status records associated with C are destroyed. 2) If there is no established SQL-connection associated with C, then StatementHandle is set to zero and an exception condi- tion is raised: connection exception-connection does not exist. Otherwise, let EC be the established SQL-connection associated with C. 3) If EC is not the current SQL-connection, then the General Rules of Subclause 5.4.1, "Implicit set connection", are applied to EC as the dormant SQL-connection. 4) Case: a) If the memory requirements to manage an SQL-statement cannot be satisfied, then StatementHandle is set to zero and an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-memory allocation error. b) If the resources to manage an SQL-statement cannot be allo- cated for implementation-defined reasons, then StatementHandle is set to zero and an implementation-defined exception condi- tion is raised. c) Otherwise, the resources to manage an SQL-statement are allo- cated and are referred to as an allocated SQL-statement. The allocated SQL-statement is associated with C and is assigned a unique value that is returned in StatementHandle. 5) The maximum number of SQL-statements that can be allocated at one time is implementation-defined. 24 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines 5.5.4 BindCol Function Define a result target. Definition BindCol ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER, ColumnNumber IN SMALLINT, TargetType IN SMALLINT, TargetValue DEFOUT POINTER, BufferLength IN INTEGER, IndicatorValue DEFOUT INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) Let CN be the value of ColumnNumber. If CN is less than 1, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid column number. 3) If there is a select source associated with S, then let D be the degree of the table described by the select source. If CN is greater than D, then an exception condition is raised: CLI- specific condition-invalid column number. 4) Let TT be the value of TargetType. 5) Let HL be the standard programming language of the invoking host program. Let "operative data type correspondence table" be the data type correspondence table for HL as specified in (typecorr\FULL). Refer to the two columns of the operative data type correspondence table as the "SQL data type column" and the "host data type column". 6) If any of the following are true, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-program type out of range. a) TT is not greater than zero. b) TT is greater than zero but is neither 99 nor one of the code values in Table 3, "Codes used for buffer data types". c) TT is one of the code values in Table 3, "Codes used for buffer data types", but the row that contains the correspond- ing data type in the SQL data type column of the operative data type correspondence table contains 'None' in the host data type column. Call Level Interface specifications 25 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines 7) Let BL be the value of BufferLength. If TT indicates CHARACTER and BL is not greater than zero, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid argument value. 8) If the column number associated with any result target currently bound for S is CN, then that result target is unbound. 9) TargetValue becomes the result target for column CN bound for S and has the following associated attributes: IndicatorValue is its associated indicator target; TT is its associated coded target type; and BL is its associated length value. 5.5.5 BindParam Function Define a value source for a . Definition BindParam ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER, ParameterNumber IN SMALLINT, ValueType IN SMALLINT, SqlType IN SMALLINT, LengthPrecision IN INTEGER, Scale IN SMALLINT, ParameterValue DEFIN POINTER, IndicatorValue DEFIN INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) Let PN be the value of ParameterNumber. If PN is less than 1, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition- invalid argument value. 3) Let VT be the value of ValueType. 4) Let HL be the standard programming language of the invoking host program. Let "operative data type correspondence table" be the data type correspondence table for HL as specified in (typecorr\FULL). Refer to the two columns of the operative data type correspondence table as the "SQL data type column" and the "host data type column". 5) If any of the following are true, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-program type out of range. a) VT is not greater than zero. 26 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines b) VT is greater than zero but is neither 99 nor one of the code values in Table 3, "Codes used for buffer data types". c) VT is one of the code values in Table 3, "Codes used for buffer data types", but the row that contains the correspond- ing data type in the SQL data type column of the operative data type correspondence table contains 'None' in the host data type column. 6) Let ST be the value of SqlType. If ST is not one of the code values in Table 2, "Codes used for SQL data types in CLI", then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-SQL data type out of range. 7) Case: a) If ST indicates a character string type, then LengthPrecision is the length associated with ST. b) If ST indicates NUMERIC or DECIMAL or FLOAT, then LengthPrecision is the precision associated with ST. c) If ST indicates NUMERIC or DECIMAL, then Scale is the scale associated with ST. 8) If VT is greater than zero, then: a) Let SV be a whose data type is the data type indicated by VT. b) Let TDT be the target data type indicated by ST and its asso- ciated length, precision, and scale as applicable. c) If the CAST (SV AS TDT) violates the Syntax Rules of Subclause 6.10, "", then an exception condition is raised: dynamic SQL error-restricted data type attribute violation. 9) Case: a) If the parameter number associated with any value source currently bound for S is PN, then that value source is unbound. b) If the parameter number associated with any value currently set for S is PN, then that value is unset. 10)ParameterValue becomes the value source for parameter PN bound for S and has the following associated attributes: a) IndicatorValue is its associated indicator value source. Call Level Interface specifications 27 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines b) VT is its associated coded value type. c) ST is its associated coded target SQL type and has an associ- ated length, precision, and scale, as applicable. 5.5.6 Cancel Function Attempt to cancel execution of a CLI routine. Definition Cancel ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) If there is no CLI routine concurrently operating on S, then a completion condition is raised: success, and no further rules of this Subclause are applied. Otherwise, let RN be the routine name of the concurrent CLI routine. Note: The method of passing control between concurrently operat- ing programs is implementation-dependent. 3) The SQL-server is requested to cancel the execution of RN. 4) If the SQL-server rejects the cancelation request, then an ex- ception condition is raised: Remote Database Access exception condition. 5) If the SQL-server accepts the cancelation request, then a com- pletion condition is raised: success. Note: Acceptance of the request does not guarantee that the execution of RN will be canceled. 6) If the SQL-server succeeds in canceling the execution of RN, then an exception condition: CLI-specific condition-operation canceled, is raised for RN. Note: Canceling the execution of RN does not destroy any status records already generated by its execution. 5.5.7 ColAttribute Function Get a column attribute. 28 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines Definition ColAttribute ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER, ColumnNumber IN SMALLINT, AttributeIdentifier IN SMALLINT, CharacterAttribute OUT CHARACTER(L), BufferLength IN SMALLINT, AttributeLength OUT SMALLINT, NumericAttribute OUT INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT where L is the value of BufferLength and has a maximum value of 128. Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) Let AN be the value of AttributeNumber. If AN is less than 1 or greater than 8, then an exception condition is raised: CLI- specific condition-invalid argument value. 3) If there is a select source associated with S, then let SS be the select source associated with S, let T be the table spec- ified by SS, and let D be the degree of T. Otherwise, let D be zero. 4) Case: a) If AN = 1, then: Case: i) If there is no prepared or directly executed statement associated with S, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-function sequence error. ii) Otherwise, NumericAttribute is set to D and no further rules of this Subclause are applied. b) Otherwise, if D is zero, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-function sequence error. 5) Let N be the value of ColumnNumber. If N is less than 1 or greater than D, then an exception condition is raised: CLI- specific condition-invalid column number. 6) Let BL be the value of BufferLength. If BL is not greater than zero, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid argument value. 7) Let C be the n-th column of T. A single attribute of C is re- trieved. Call Level Interface specifications 29 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines Case: a) If AN = 2, then the name of C is retrieved as follows: i) Let CN be the implementation-dependent or name of C and let L be the length of CN. ii) If L is not greater than BL, then CharacterAttribute is set to CN and AttributeLength is set to L. iii) If L is greater than BL, then CharacterAttribute is set to the first BL characters of CN, AttributeLength is set to L and a completion condition is raised: string data, right truncation. b) If AN = 3, then NumericAttribute is set to a code, as shown in Table 2, "Codes used for SQL data types in CLI", to indi- cate the data type of C. c) If AN = 4 and C is a character string column, then NumericAttribute is set to the length or maximum length of C. d) If AN = 5 and C is a numeric column, then NumericAttribute is set to the precision of C. e) If AN = 6 and C is an exact numeric column, then NumericAttribute is set to the scale of C. f) If AN = 7, then NumericAttribute is set to indicate the nul- lability of C. If C is possibly nullable, then NumericAttribute is set to 1; otherwise it is set to zero. g) If AN = 8, then NumericAttribute is set to indicate C's name type. If the name is implementation-dependent, then NumericAttribute is set to 1; otherwise it is set to zero. 5.5.8 Connect Function Establish a connection. Definition Connect ( ConnectionHandle IN INTEGER, ServerName IN CHARACTER(L1), NameLength1 IN SMALLINT, UserName IN CHARACTER(L2), NameLength2 IN SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT 30 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines where: - L1 is determined by the value of NameLength1 and has a maximum value equal to the implementation-defined maximum length of a variable-length character string. - L2 is determined by the value of NameLength2 and has a maximum value of 128. Description 1) Case: a) If ConnectionHandle does not identify an allocated SQL- connection, then an exception condition is raised: CLI- specific condition-invalid handle. b) Otherwise: i) Let C be the allocated SQL-connection identified by ConnectionHandle. ii) Any status records associated with C are destroyed. 2) If an SQL-transaction is active for the current SQL-connection and the implementation does not support transactions that affect more than one SQL-server, then an exception condition is raised: feature not supported-multiple server transactions. 3) If there is an established SQL-connection associated with C, then an exception condition is raised: connection exception- connection name in use. 4) Let NL1 be the value of NameLength1. Case: a) If NL1 is greater than zero, then let L1 be NL1. b) If NL1 is -3, then let L1 be the number of characters of ServerName that precede the implementation-defined null char- acter that terminates a C character string. If ServerName does not contain the implementation-defined null charac- ter that terminates a C character string, then an exception condition is raised: data exception-unterminated C string. c) Otherwise, if NL1 is not zero, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid argument value. 5) Case: a) If NL1 is zero, then let 'DEFAULT' be the value of SN. b) Otherwise, let SV be the first L1 characters of ServerName and let SN be the value of TRIM ( BOTH ' ' FROM SV ) Call Level Interface specifications 31 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines 6) Let E be the allocated SQL-environment with which C is associ- ated and let NL2 be the value of NameLength2. 7) If the value of SN is 'DEFAULT', then: a) If an established default SQL-connection is associated with an allocated SQL-connection associated with E, then an ex- ception condition is raised: connection exception-connection name in use. b) If NL2 is not zero, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid argument value. 8) If the value of SN is not 'DEFAULT', then: a) If NL2 is greater than zero, then let L2 be NL2. b) If NL2 is -3, then let L2 be the number of characters of UserName that precede the implementation-defined null char- acter that terminates a C character string. If UserName does not contain the implementation-defined null character that terminates a C character string, then an exception condition is raised: data exception-unterminated C string. c) If NL2 is less than zero but not -3, then an exception con- dition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid argument value. d) Case: i) If NL2 is zero, then let UN be an implementation-defined . ii) Otherwise: 1) Let UV be the first L2 characters of UserName and let UN be the result of TRIM ( BOTH ' ' FROM UV ) 2) If UN does not conform to the Format and Syntax Rules of a , then an exception condition is raised: invalid authorization identifier. 3) If UN violates any implementation-defined restrictions on its value, then an exception condition is raised: invalid authorization identifier. 9) Case: a) If the value of SN is 'DEFAULT', then the default SQL-session is initiated and associated with the default SQL-server. The method by which the default SQL-server is determined is implementation-defined. 32 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines b) Otherwise, an SQL-session is initiated and associated with the SQL-server identified by SN. The method by which SN is used to determine the appropriate SQL-server is implementation-defined. 10)If an SQL-session is successfully initiated, then: a) The current SQL-connection and current SQL-session, if any, become a dormant SQL-connection and a dormant SQL-session re- spectively. The SQL-session context information is preserved and is not affected in any way by operations performed over the initiated SQL-connection. Note: The SQL-session context information is defined in Subclause 4.29, "SQL-sessions". b) The initiated SQL-session becomes the current SQL-session and the SQL-connection established to that SQL-session becomes the current SQL-connection and is associated with C. Note: If an SQL-session is not successfully initiated, then the current SQL-connection and current SQL-session, if any, remain unchanged. 11)If the SQL-client cannot establish the SQL-connection, then an exception condition is raised: connection exception- SQL-client unable to establish SQL-connection. 12)If the SQL-server rejects the establishment of the SQL- connection, then an exception condition is raised: connection exception- SQL-server rejected establishment of the SQL- connec- tion. 13)The SQL-server for the subsequent execution of SQL-statements via CLI routine invocations is set to the SQL-server identified by SN. 14)The SQL-session is set to UN. 5.5.9 DescribeCol Function Get column attributes. Definition DescribeCol ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER, ColumnNumber IN SMALLINT, ColumnName OUT CHARACTER(L), BufferLength IN SMALLINT, NameLength OUT SMALLINT, DataType OUT SMALLINT, LengthPrecision OUT INTEGER, Call Level Interface specifications 33 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines Scale OUT SMALLINT, Nullable OUT SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT where L is the value of BufferLength and has a maximum value of 128. Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) If there is no select source associated with S, then an excep- tion condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-function se- quence error. Otherwise, let SS be the select source associated with S. 3) Let T be the table specified by SS. 4) Let N be the value of ColumnNumber. If N is less than 1 or greater than the degree of T, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid column number. 5) Let BL be the value of BufferLength. If BL is not greater than zero, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid argument value. 6) Let C be the n-th column of T. Information is retrieved about C. a) Let CN be the name of C and let L be the length of CN. Case: i) If L is not greater than BL, then ColumnName is set to CN and NameLength is set to L. ii) If L is greater than BL, then ColumnName is set to the first BL characters of CN, NameLength is set to L and a completion condition is raised: string data, right trunca- tion. b) DataType is set to a code, as shown in Table 2, "Codes used for SQL data types in CLI", indicating the data type of C. c) Case: i) If the data type of C is character string, then LengthPrecision is set to the length or maximum length of C. ii) If the data type of C is numeric, then LengthPrecision is set to the precision of C. iii) If the data type of C is exact numeric, then Scale is set to the scale of C. 34 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines d) If C is possibly nullable, then Nullable is set to 1; other- wise Nullable is set to zero. 5.5.10 Disconnect Function Terminate an established connection. Definition Disconnect ( ConnectionHandle IN INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description 1) Case: a) If ConnectionHandle does not identify an allocated SQL- connection, then an exception condition is raised: CLI- specific condition-invalid handle. b) Otherwise: i) Let C be the allocated SQL-connection identified by ConnectionHandle. ii) Any status records associated with C are destroyed. 2) Case: a) If there is no established SQL-connection associated with C, then an exception condition is raised: connection exception- connection does not exist. b) Otherwise, let EC be the established SQL-connection associ- ated with C. 3) If EC is active, then an exception condition is raised: invalid transaction state. 4) Let CC be the current SQL-connection. 5) The SQL-session associated with EC is terminated. EC is termi- nated, regardless of any exception conditions that might occur during the disconnection process, and is no longer associated with C. 6) If any error is detected during the connection process, then a completion condition is raised: warning-disconnect error. Call Level Interface specifications 35 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines 7) If EC and CC were the same SQL-connection, then there is no current SQL-connection. Otherwise, CC remains the current SQL- connection. 5.5.11 Error Function Return status information. Definition Error ( EnvironmentHandle IN INTEGER, ConnectionHandle IN INTEGER, StatementHandle IN INTEGER, Sqlstate OUT CHARACTER(5), NativeError OUT INTEGER, MessageText OUT CHARACTER(L), BufferLength IN SMALLINT, TextLength OUT SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT where L is the value of BufferLength and has a maximum value equal to the implementation-defined maximum length of a variable-length character string. Description 1) Case: a) If StatementHandle identifies an allocated SQL-statement, then let IH be the value of StatementHandle. b) If StatementHandle is zero and ConnectionHandle identifies an allocated SQL-connection, then let IH be the value of ConnectionHandle. c) If ConnectionHandle is zero and EnvironmentHandle identifies an allocated SQL-environment, then let IH be the value of EnvironmentHandle. d) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid handle. 2) Let R be the most recently executed CLI routine, other than Error, for which IH was passed as the value of an input handle. Note: If IH is an environment handle, then a Transact routine qualifies as R if, in addition, the value of its input connec- tion handle was zero. Note: The Error routine may cause exception or completion condi- tions to be raised, but it does not cause status records to be generated. 36 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines 3) Let N be the number of still existing status records gener- ated by the execution of R. If N is zero, then a completion condition is raised: no data, and no further rules of this Subclause are applied. Sqlstate is set to '00000' and the values of NativeError, MessageText, and TextLength are implementation- dependent. 4) Let BL be the value of BufferLength. If BL is not greater than zero, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid argument value. 5) Let SR be the first still-existing status record generated by the execution of R. Information is retrieved from SR as fol- lows: a) Sqlstate is set to the SQLSTATE value. b) NativeError is set to the value of the native error code. c) Let TL be the length of the message text. Case: i) If TL is not greater than BL, then MessageText is set to the message text and TextLength is set to TL. ii) If TL is greater than BL, then MessageText is set to the first BL characters of the message text and TextLength is set to TL. 6) SR is destroyed. 5.5.12 ExecDirect Function Execute a statement directly. Definition ExecDirect ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER, StatementText IN CHARACTER(L), TextLength IN SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT where L is determined by the value of TextLength and has a maxi- mum value equal to the implementation-defined maximum length of a variable-length character string. Call Level Interface specifications 37 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) If there is a fetched row associated with S, then an excep- tion condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid cursor state. 3) Let TL be the value of TextLength. Case: a) If TL is greater than zero, then let L be TL. b) If TL is -3, then let L be the number of characters of StatementText that precede the implementation-defined null character that terminates a C character string. If StatementText does not contain the implementation-defined null character that terminates a C character string, then an exception condition is raised: data exception-unterminated C string. c) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid argument value. 4) Let P be the first L characters of StatementText. 5) If P is a or a , then let CN be the name of the cursor referenced by P. Let C be the allocated SQL-connection with which S is associated. If CN is not the name of a cursor associated with another allocated SQL- statement associated with C, then an exception condition is raised: invalid cursor name. 6) If one or more of the following are true, then an exception condition is raised: syntax error or access rule violation in dynamic SQL statement. a) P does not conform to the Format, Syntax Rules or Access Rules for a or a . b) P contains a . c) P contains a in an invalid position as determined by the rules specified in Subclause 17.6, "". 7) The data type of any contained in P is determined by the rules specified in Subclause 17.6, "". 8) P is executed. 38 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines Case: a) If P is a or a , then P becomes the select source as- sociated with S and the General Rules of Subclause 5.4.2, "Implicit cursor", are applied to P and S as SELECT SOURCE and ALLOCATED STATEMENT, respectively. b) Otherwise: i) The General Rules of Subclause 5.4.3, "Implicit using clause", are applied to 'EXECUTE', P, and S as TYPE, SOURCE, and ALLOCATED STATEMENT respectively. Case: 1) If P is a , then all General Rules in Subclause 17.19, "", apply to P. 2) If P is a , then all General Rules in Subclause 17.20, "", apply to P. 3) Otherwise, the results of the execution are the same as if the statement were contained in a and executed; these are described in (external_ invocation\FULL). 9) If P executed successfully, then: a) The following objects associated with S are destroyed: i) Any prepared statement. ii) Any cursor. iii) Any select source. b) If a cursor associated with S is destroyed, then so are any prepared statements that reference that cursor. c) Any executed statement associatd with S is destroyed and P becomes the directly executed statement associated with S. 5.5.13 Execute Function Execute a prepared statement. Call Level Interface specifications 39 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines Definition Execute ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) If there is no prepared statement associated with S, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-function sequence error. Otherwise, let P be the statement that was pre- pared. 3) If there is a fetched row associated with S, then an exception condition is raised: invalid cursor state. 4) P is executed. Case: a) If P is a or a , then the General Rules of Subclause 5.4.2, "Implicit cursor", are applied to P and S as SELECT SOURCE and ALLOCATED STATEMENT, respectively. b) Otherwise: i) The General Rules of Subclause 5.4.3, "Implicit using clause", are applied to 'EXECUTE', P, and S as TYPE, SOURCE, and ALLOCATED STATEMENT, respectively. ii) Case: 1) If P is a , then all General Rules in Subclause 17.19, "", apply to P. 2) If P is a , then all General Rules in Subclause 17.20, "", apply to P. 3) Otherwise, the results of the execution are the same as if the statement were contained in a and executed; these are described in (external_ invocation\FULL). 5) If P executed successfully, then any executed statement associ- ated with S is destroyed and P becomes the indirectly executed statement associated with S. 40 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines 5.5.14 Fetch Function Fetch the next row of a cursor. Definition Fetch ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) If there is no executed statement associated with S, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-function sequence error. 3) If there is no open cursor associated with S, then an exception condition is raised: invalid cursor state. Otherwise, let CR be the open cursor associated with S and let T be the table associated with the open cursor. 4) If T is empty or if the position of CR is on or after the last row of T, then: a) CR is positioned after the last row of T. b) A completion condition is raised: no data, no database values are assigned to bound result targets, and no further rules of this Subclause are applied. 5) Case: a) If the position of CR is before a row NR, then CR is posi- tioned on row NR. b) If the position of CR is on a row OR other than the last row, then CR is positioned on the row immediately after OR. Let NR be the row immediately after OR. 6) NR becomes the current row of CR. 7) If an exception condition is raised during derivation of any associated with NR, then there is no fetched row associated with S, but NR remains the current row of CR. Otherwise, NR becomes the fetched row associated with S. 8) Let SS be the select source associated with S. The General Rules of Subclause 5.4.3, "Implicit using clause", are applied with 'FETCH', SS, and S as TYPE, SOURCE, and ALLOCATED STATEMENT, respectively. Call Level Interface specifications 41 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines 9) If an exception condition occurs during the derivation of any target value, then the values of all the bound result targets are implementation-dependent and CR remains positioned on the current row. 5.5.15 FreeConnect Function Deallocate an SQL-connection. Definition FreeConnect ( ConnectionHandle IN INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description 1) Case: a) If ConnectionHandle does not identify an allocated SQL- connection, then an exception condition is raised: CLI- specific condition-invalid handle. b) Otherwise: i) Let C be the allocated SQL-connection identified by ConnectionHandle. ii) Any status records associated with C are destroyed. c) If an established SQL-connection is associated with C, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition- function sequence error. d) C is deallocated and all its resources are freed. 5.5.16 FreeEnv Function Deallocate an SQL-environment. Definition FreeEnv ( EnvironmentHandle IN INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT 42 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines Description 1) Case: a) If EnvironmentHandle does not identify an allocated SQL- environment, then an exception condition is raised: CLI- specific condition-invalid handle. b) Otherwise: i) Let E be the allocated SQL-environment identified by EnvironmentHandle. ii) Any status records associated with E are destroyed. 2) If an allocated SQL-connection is associated with E, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-function sequence error. 3) E is deallocated and all its resources are freed. 5.5.17 FreeStmt Function Deallocate an SQL-statement. Definition FreeStmt ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER, Option IN SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) If Option is less than 0 or greater than 3, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid argument value. 3) If Option = 0 or 1 and there is an open cursor associated with S, then: a) The open cursor associated with S is placed in the closed state and its copy of the select source is destroyed. b) Any fetched row associated with S is destroyed. c) If there is a directly executed statement associated with S, then the select source associated with S is destroyed. d) The executed statement associated with S is destroyed. Call Level Interface specifications 43 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines 4) If Option = 1, then S is deallocated and all its resources are freed. 5) If Option = 2, then all result targets that are currently bound for S are unbound. 6) If Option = 3, then all value sources that are currently bound for S are unbound and all values that are currently set for S are unset. 5.5.18 GetCol Function Retrieve a column value. Definition GetCol ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER, ColumnNumber IN SMALLINT, TargetType IN SMALLINT, TargetValue OUT POINTER, BufferLength IN INTEGER, IndicatorValue OUT INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) If there is no fetched row associated with S, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-function sequence error. Otherwise, let FR be the fetched row associated with S and let T be the table associated with the open cursor associ- ated with S. 3) Let CN be the value of ColumnNumber. If CN is less than 1 or greater than the degree of T, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid column number. 4) If there is at least one result target currently bound for S, then let BCN be the column number associated with a bound result target and let HBCN be the value of MAX(BCN). Otherwise, let HBCN be zero. 5) If CN is not greater than HBCN, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid column number. 6) If there is a fetched column number associated with FR, then let FCN be that column number; otherwise, let FCN be zero. 44 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines 7) Case: a) If FCN is greater than zero and CN is not greater than FCN, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid column number. b) If FCN is less than zero, then: i) Let AFCN be the absolute value of FCN. ii) Case: 1) If CN is less than AFCN, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid column number. 2) If CN is greater than AFCN, then let FCN = AFCN. 8) Let TT be the value of TargetType. 9) Let HL be the standard programming language of the invoking host program. Let "operative data type correspondence table" be the data type correspondence table for HL as specified in (typecorr\FULL). Refer to the two columns of the operative data type correspondence table as the "SQL data type column" and the "host data type column". 10)If any of the following are true, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-program type out of range. a) TT is not greater than zero. b) TT is greater than zero but is neither 99 nor one of the code values in Table 2, "Codes used for SQL data types in CLI". c) TT is one of the code values in Table 2, "Codes used for SQL data types in CLI", but the row that contains the correspond- ing data type in the SQL data type column of the operative data type correspondence table contains 'None' in the host data type column. 11)Let BL be the value of BufferLength. If TT indicates CHARACTER and BL is not greater than zero, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid argument value. 12)Let CV and CDT be the value and data type, respectively, of column CN of FR. 13)Case: a) If FCN is less than zero, then: Case: i) If TT does not indicate CHARACTER, then an exception condi- tion is raised: data exception-error in assignment. Call Level Interface specifications 45 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines ii) Otherwise, let FL be the fetched length associated with FCN and let SV and SDT be the value and data type, respec- tively, of the result of the : SUBSTRING(CV FROM (FL+1)) Otherwise, let FL be zero, let SV be CV and let SDT be CDT. 14)Case: a) If TT is 99, then let TV = CV. b) If TT indicates CHARACTER, then: i) If the CAST (SV AS CHARACTER(BL)) violates the General Rules of Subclause 6.10, "", then an exception condition is raised in ac- cordance with the General Rules of Subclause 6.10, "". ii) The CAST (SV AS CHARACTER(L)) is effectively performed, and is the target value TV. c) If TT indicates the same data type as SDT, then let TV = SV. d) Otherwise, it is implementation-defined whether SV can be converted to the data type indicated by TT. Case: i) If SV cannot be converted to the data type indicated by TT, then an exception condition is raised: dynamic SQL error-restricted data type attribute violation. ii) Otherwise, TV is derived from SV according to implementation- defined rules. 15)CN becomes the fetched column number associated with the fetched row associated with S. 16)If TV is a null value, then IndicatorValue is set to the nega- tive number associated with that null value. 17)If TV is not a null value, then: a) TargetValue is set to TV. b) Case: i) If SDT is CHARACTER or CHARACTER VARYING, then IndicatorValue is set to the length of SV. 46 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines ii) Otherwise, IndicatorValue is set to zero. c) If TT indicates CHARACTER and SDT is CHARACTER or CHARACTER VARYING, then: i) Let LCV be the length of CV. ii) Let FL = FL+BL. iii) If FL is less than LCV, then -CN becomes the fetched column number associated with the fetched row associated with S and FL becomes the fetched length associated with the fetched column number. 5.5.19 GetCursorName Function Get a cursor name. Definition GetCursorName ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER, CursorName OUT CHARACTER(L), BufferLength IN SMALLINT, NameLength OUT SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT where L is the value of BufferLength and has a maximum value of 128. Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) If there is no open cursor associated with S and there is no cursor name associated with S, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-no cursor name available. 3) Case: a) If there is an open cursor associated with S, then let CN be the name of the open cursor. b) Otherwise, let CN be the cursor name associated with S. 4) Let L be the length of CN and let BL be the value of BufferLength. If BL is not greater than zero, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid argument value. Call Level Interface specifications 47 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines 5) Case: a) If L is not greater than BL, then CursorName is set to CN and NameLength is set to L. b) If L is greater than BL, then CursorName is set to the first BL characters of CN, NameLength is set to L and a completion condition is raised: string data, right truncation. 5.5.20 NumResultCols Function Get the number of result columns. Definition NumResultCols ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER, ColumnCount OUT SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) If there is no prepared or directly executed statement associ- ated with S, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-function sequence error. 3) Case: a) If there is a select source associated with S, then let D be the degree of the table specified by the select source. b) Otherwise, let D be zero. 4) ColumnCount is set to D. 5.5.21 Prepare Function Prepare a statement. Definition Prepare ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER, StatementText IN CHARACTER(L), TextLength IN SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT 48 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines where L is determined by the value of TextLength and has a maxi- mum value equal to the implementation-defined maximum length of a variable-length character string. Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) If an open cursor is associated with S, then an exception condi- tion is raised: invalid cursor state. 3) Let TL be the value of TextLength. Case: a) If TL is greater than zero, then let L be TL. b) If TL is -3, then let L be the number of characters of StatementText that precede the implementation-defined null character that terminates a C character string. If StatementText does not contain the implementation-defined null character that terminates a C character string, then an exception condition is raised: data exception-unterminated C string. c) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid argument value. 4) Let P be the first L characters of StatementText. 5) If P is a or a , then let CN be the name of the cursor referenced by P. Let C be the allocated SQL-connection with which S is associated. If CN is not the same as the name of a cursor associated with another allocated SQL-statement associated with C, then an exception condition is raised: invalid cursor name. 6) If one or more of the following are true, then an exception condition is raised: syntax error or access rule violation in dynamic SQL statement. a) P does not conform to the Format, Syntax Rules, or Access Rules for a or P is a or a . b) P contains a . c) P contains a in an invalid position as determined by the rules specified in Subclause 17.6, "". 7) The data type of any contained in P is determined by the rules specified in Subclause 17.6, "". Call Level Interface specifications 49 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines 8) The following objects associated with S are destroyed: a) Any prepared statement. b) Any cursor. c) Any select source. d) Any executed statement. If a cursor associated with S is destroyed, then so are any prepared statements associated with that cursor. 9) P is prepared and the prepared statement is associated with S. 10)If P is a or a , then P becomes the select source associated with S. 11)The validity of a prepared statement in an SQL-transaction different from the one in which the statement was prepared is implementation-dependent. 5.5.22 RowCount Function Get the row count. Definition RowCount ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER, RowCount OUT INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) If there is no executed statement associated with S, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-function sequence error. Otherwise, let ES be the executed statement associated with S. 3) Case: a) If ES is not a , an , or an , then RowCount is set to an implementation-dependent value. b) Otherwise, RowCount is set to the number of rows affected by the execution of ES. Let T be the table identified by the directly contained in ES. 50 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines Case: i) If ES is an , then RowCount is set to the number of rows inserted into T. ii) If ES is not an and does not contain a , then RowCount is set to the cardinality of T before the execution of ES. iii) Otherwise, let SC be the directly con- tained in ES. RowCount is set to the value effectively derived by executing the statement: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM T WHERE SC before the execution of ES. 5.5.23 SetCursorName Function Set a cursor name. Definition SetCursorName ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER, CursorName IN CHARACTER(L), NameLength IN SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT where L is determined by the value of NameLength and has a maximum value of 128. Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) If there is a prepared statement associated with S, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-function sequence error. 3) Let NL be the value of NameLength. Case: a) If NL is greater than zero, then let L be NL. b) If NL is -3, then let L be the number of characters of CursorName that precede the implementation-defined null char- acter that terminates a C character string. If CursorName does not contain the implementation-defined null charac- ter that terminates a C character string, then an exception condition is raised: data exception-unterminated C string. Call Level Interface specifications 51 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines c) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid argument value. 4) Let CV be the first L characters of CursorName and let CN be the value of TRIM ( BOTH ' ' FROM CV ) 5) If CN does not conform to the Format and Syntax Rules of a , then an exception condition is raised: invalid cursor name. 6) Let C be the allocated SQL-connection with which S is associated and let SC be the : CN LIKE 'SQLCUR%' If SC is true or if CN is identical to the value of any cursor name associated with an allocated SQL-statement associated with C, then an exception condition is raised: invalid cursor name. 7) CN becomes the cursor name associated with S. 5.5.24 SetParamValue Function Set the value for a . Definition SetParamValue ( StatementHandle IN INTEGER, ParameterNumber IN SMALLINT, ValueType IN SMALLINT, SqlType IN SMALLINT, LengthPrecision IN INTEGER, Scale IN SMALLINT, ParameterValue IN POINTER, IndicatorValue IN INTEGER ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description 1) Let S be the allocated SQL-statement identified by StatementHandle. 2) Let PN be the value of ParameterNumber. If PN is less than 1, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition- invalid argument value. 3) Let VT be the value of ValueType. 52 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines 4) Let HL be the standard programming language of the invoking host program. Let "operative data type correspondence table" be the data type correspondence table for HL as specified in (typecorr\FULL). Refer to the two columns of the operative data type correspondence table as the "SQL data type column" and the "host data type column". 5) If any of the following are true, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-program type out of range. a) VT is not greater than zero. b) VT is greater than zero but is neither 99 nor one of the code values in Table 3, "Codes used for buffer data types". c) VT is one of the code values in Table 3, "Codes used for buffer data types", but the row that contains the correspond- ing data type in the SQL data type column of the operative data type correspondence table contains 'None' in the host data type column. 6) Let ST be the value of SqlType. If ST is not one of the code values in Table 2, "Codes used for SQL data types in CLI", then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-SQL data type out of range. 7) Case: a) If ST indicates a character string type, then LengthPrecision is the length associated with ST. b) If ST indicates NUMERIC or DECIMAL or FLOAT, then LengthPrecision is the precision associated with ST. c) If ST indicates NUMERIC or DECIMAL, then Scale is the scale associated with ST. 8) Let SV and IV be the values of ParameterValue and IndicatorValue, respectively. 9) If VT indicates CHARACTER, then: a) Case: i) If IV is greater than zero, then let L be IV. ii) If IV is -3, then let L be the number of characters of SV that precede the implementation-defined null character that terminates a C character string. If SV does not contain the implementation-defined null character that terminates a C character string, then an exception condition is raised: data exception-unterminated C string. iii) If IV is less than 1 but is neither -1 nor -3, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition- invalid argument value. Call Level Interface specifications 53 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines b) L is the length of SV. 10)Case: a) If IV is -1, then let SPV be the general null value. b) If VT is 99, then let SPV be SV. c) Otherwise: i) VT indicates the data type of SV. ii) Let TDT be the target data type indicated by ST and its associated length, precision, and scale, as applicable. iii) If the CAST (SV AS TDT) violates the Syntax Rules of Subclause 6.10, "", then an exception condition is raised: dynamic SQL error-restricted data type attribute violation. iv) If the CAST (SV AS TDT) violates the General Rules of Subclause 6.10, "", then an exception condition is raised in ac- cordance with the General Rules of Subclause 6.10, "". v) The CAST (SV AS TDT) is effectively performed, and is the value of SPV. LE>Case: a) If the parameter number associated with any value source currently bound for S is PN, then that value source is unbound. b) If the parameter number associated with any value currently set for S is PN, then that value is unset. 11)SPV becomes the value set for parameter PN for S. 5.5.25 Transact Function Terminate an SQL-transaction. 54 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines Definition Transact ( EnvironmentHandle IN INTEGER, ConnectionHandle IN INTEGER, TerminationType IN SMALLINT ) RETURNS SMALLINT Description Case: a) If ConnectionHandle identifies an allocated SQL-connection, then: i) Let C be the allocated SQL-connection identified by ConnectionHandle. ii) Let E be the allocated SQL-environment with which C is associated. iii) Let MS be 0. iv) Any status records associated with C are destroyed. b) If ConnectionHandle is zero and EnvironmentHandle identifies an allocated SQL-environment that is not a skeleton SQL- environment, then: i) Let E be the allocated SQL-environment identified by EnvironmentHandle. ii) Let MS be 1. iii) Any status records associated with E are destroyed. c) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid handle. 1) Let TT be the value of TerminationType. If TT is neither zero nor 1, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-invalid transaction operation code. 2) Let L be a list of allocated SQL-connections associated with E. Let L1 be a list of the allocated SQL-connections in L that have an associated established SQL-connection that is active. 3) If MS = 0, then: a) If there is no established SQL-connection associated with C, then an exception condition is raised: CLI-specific condition-function sequence error. Otherwise, let EC be the established SQL-connection associated with C. Call Level Interface specifications 55 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 5.5 CLI routines b) If EC is not active, then no further rules of this Subclause are applied. c) If there is more than one allocated SQL-connection in L1, then it is implementation-defined whether or not an exception condition is raised. d) Let L2 be a list of open cursors associated with allocated SQL-statements associated with C. 4) If MS = 1, then: a) If L1 is empty, then no further rules of this Subclause are applied. b) Let L2 be a list of open cursors associated with allocated SQL-statements associated with allocated SQL-connections in L1. 5) If the current SQL-transaction is part of an encompassing trans- action that is controlled by an agent other than the SQL-agent, then an exception condition is raised: invalid transaction ter- mination. 6) For every open cursor OC in L2: a) Let SH be the statement handle that identifies the allocated SQL-statement with which OC is associated. b) FreeStmt is implicitly invoked with SH as the value of StatementHandle and with zero as the value of Option. 7) If TT = 0, then: a) Case: i) If any error preventing commitment of the SQL-transaction has occurred, then any changes to SQL-data or schemas that were made by the current SQL-transaction are canceled and an exception condition is raised: transaction rollback with an implementation-defined subclass value. ii) Otherwise, any changes to SQL-data or schemas that were made by the current SQL-transaction are made accessible to all concurrent and subsequent SQL-transactions. b) The current SQL-transaction is terminated. 8) If TT = 1, then: a) Any changes to SQL-data or schemas that were made by the current SQL-transaction are canceled. b) The current SQL-transaction is terminated. 56 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) Annex A (Informative) Typical header files A.1 C Header File SQLCLI.H /* SQLCLI.H Header File for SQL CLI. * The actual header file should contain at least the information specified * here, except that the comments may vary. */ /* host language data types */ typedef unsigned char SQLCHAR; typedef long SQLINTEGER; typedef short SQLSMALLINT; typedef double SQLDOUBLE; typedef float SQLREAL; typedef void * SQLPOINTER; /* function return type */ typedef SQLSMALLINTSQLRETURN; /* handles */ typedef SQLINTEGER SQLHENV; /* environment handle */ typedef SQLINTEGER SQLHDBC; /* connection handle */ typedef SQLINTEGER SQLHSTMT; /* statement handle */ /* null value indication */ define SQL_NULL_DATA -1 /* return values from routines */ define SQL_SUCCESS 0 define SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO 1 define SQL_NO_DATA 100 define SQL_ERROR -1 define SQL_INVALID_HANDLE -2 /* flag for null-terminated string */ define SQL_NTS -3 /* maximum message length */ Typical header files 57 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 A.1 C Header File SQLCLI.H define SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH255 /* maximum identifier length */ define SQL_MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH 128 /* codes for SQL data types */ define SQL_CHAR 1 define SQL_NUMERIC 2 define SQL_DECIMAL 3 define SQL_INTEGER 4 define SQL_SMALLINT5 define SQL_FLOAT 6 define SQL_REAL 7 define SQL_DOUBLE 8 define SQL_VARCHAR 12 /* Application buffer types */ define SQLBUF_CHAR SQL_CHAR define SQLBUF_LONG SQL_INTEGER define SQLBUF_SHORTSQL_SMALLINT define SQLBUF_FLOATSQL_REAL define SQLBUF_DOUBLE SQL_DOUBLE define SQLBUF_DEFAULT 99 /* DescribeCol description of NULLABLE attribute */ define SQL_NULLABLE1 define SQL_NO_NULLS0 /* FreeStmt options */ define SQL_CLOSE 0 define SQL_DROP 1 define SQL_UNBIND 2 define SQL_RESET_PARAMS 3 /* Transact options */ define SQL_COMMIT 0 define SQL_ROLLBACK1 /* Null handles for Error */ define SQL_NULL_HENV 0 define SQL_NULL_HDBC 0 define SQL_NULL_HSTMT 0 /* ColAttribute options */ define SQL_COLUMN_COUNT1 define SQL_COLUMN_NAME 2 define SQL_COLUMN_TYPE 3 define SQL_COLUMN_LENGTH 4 define SQL_COLUMN_PRECISION 5 define SQL_COLUMN_SCALE6 define SQL_COLUMN_NULLABLE 7 define SQL_COLUMN_UNNAMED 8 58 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 A.1 C Header File SQLCLI.H /* by-value prototypes */ SQLRETURN SQLAllocConnect(SQLHENV henv, SQLHDBC * hdbc); SQLRETURN SQLAllocEnv(SQLHENV * henv); SQLRETURN SQLAllocStmt(SQLHDBC hdbc, SQLHSTMT * hstmt); SQLRETURN SQLBindCol(SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLSMALLINT icol, SQLSMALLINT fBufType, SQLPOINTER rgbValue, SQLINTEGER cbValueMax, SQLINTEGER * cbValue); SQLRETURN SQLBindParam(SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLSMALLINT ipar, SQLSMALLINT fBufType, SQLSMALLINT fSQLType, SQLINTEGER cbParamDef, SQLSMALLINT ibScale, SQLPOINTER rgbValue, SQLINTEGER * cbValue); SQLRETURN SQLCancel(SQLHSTMT hstmt); SQLRETURN SQLColAttribute(SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLSMALLINT icol, SQLSMALLINT fDescType, SQLCHAR * rgbDesc, SQLSMALLINT cbDescMax, SQLSMALLINT * cbDesc, SQLINTEGER * fDesc); SQLRETURN SQLConnect(SQLHDBC hdbc, SQLCHAR * szServer, SQLSMALLINT cbServer, SQLCHAR * szUID, SQLSMALLINT cbUID); SQLRETURN SQLDescribeCol(SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLSMALLINT icol, SQLCHAR * szColName, SQLSMALLINT cbColNameMax, SQLSMALLINT * cbColName, SQLSMALLINT * fSQLType, SQLINTEGER * cbColDef, SQLSMALLINT * ibScale, SQLSMALLINT * fNullable); SQLRETURN SQLDisconnect(SQLHDBC hdbc); SQLRETURN SQLError(SQLHENV henv, SQLHDBC hdbc, SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLCHAR * szSqlState, SQLINTEGER * fNativeError, SQLCHAR * szErrorMsg, SQLSMALLINT cbErrorMsgMax, SQLSMALLINT * cbErrorMsg); SQLRETURN SQLExecDirect(SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLCHAR * szSqlStr, SQLSMALLINT cbSqlStr); SQLRETURN SQLExecute(SQLHSTMT hstmt); SQLRETURN SQLFetch(SQLHSTMT hstmt); SQLRETURN SQLFreeConnect(SQLHDBC hdbc); SQLRETURN SQLFreeEnv(SQLHENV henv); SQLRETURN SQLFreeStmt(SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLSMALLINT fOption); SQLRETURN SQLGetCol(SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLSMALLINT icol, SQLSMALLINT fBufType, SQLPOINTER rgbValue, SQLINTEGER cbValueMax, SQLINTEGER * cbValue); SQLRETURN SQLGetCursorName(SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLCHAR * szCursor, SQLSMALLINT cbCursorMax, SQLSMALLINT * cbCursor); SQLRETURN SQLNumResultCols(SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLSMALLINT * ccol); SQLRETURN SQLPrepare(SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLCHAR * szSqlStr, SQLSMALLINT cbSqlStr); SQLRETURN SQLRowCount(SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLINTEGER * crow); SQLRETURN SQLSetCursorName(SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLCHAR * szCursor, SQLSMALLINT cbCursor); SQLRETURN SQLSetParamValue(SQLHSTMT hstmt, SQLSMALLINT ipar, SQLSMALLINT fBufType, SQLSMALLINT fSQLType, SQLINTEGER cbParamDef, SQLSMALLINT ibScale, SQLPOINTER rgbValue, SQLINTEGER * cbValue); SQLRETURN SQLTransact(SQLHENV henv, SQLHDBC hdbc, SQLSMALLINT fType); Typical header files 59 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 A.1 C Header File SQLCLI.H A.2 COBOL Header File SQLCLI.CBH Here is a typical SQLCLI.CBH file. COBOL applications include this prolog by containing the following statement: COPY SQLCLI.CBH The following file does not include prototypes of the CLI routines because COBOL applications are not required to specify them. * NULL VALUE INDICATION 01 SQL-NULL-DATA PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS -1. * RETURN VALUES FROM ROUTINES 01 SQL-SUCCESS PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 0. 01 SQL-SUCCESS-WITH-INFO PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 1. 01 SQL-NO-DATA PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 100. 01 SQL-ERROR PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS -1. 01 SQL-INVALID-HANDLE PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS -2. * FLAG FOR NULL-TERMINATED STRING 01 SQL-NTS PIC S9(9) BINARY VALUE IS -3. * CODES FOR SQL DATA TYPES 01 SQL-CHAR PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 1. 01 SQL-NUMERIC PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 2. 01 SQL-DECIMAL PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 3. 01 SQL-INTEGER PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 4. 01 SQL-SMALLINT PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 5. 01 SQL-FLOAT PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 6. 01 SQL-REAL PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 7. 01 SQL-DOUBLE PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 8. 01 SQL-VARCHAR PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 12. * APPLICATION BUFFER TYPES 01 SQLBUF-CHAR PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 1. 01 SQLBUF-INTEGER PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 4. 01 SQLBUF-SMALLINT PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 5. 01 SQLBUF-DEFAULT PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 99. * DESCRIBECOL DESCRIPTION OF NULLABLE ATTRIBUTE 01 SQL-NO-NULLS PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 0. 01 SQL-NULLABLE PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 1. * FREESTMT OPTIONS 01 SQL-CLOSE PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 0. 01 SQL-DROP PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 1. 01 SQL-UNBIND PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 2. 01 SQL-RESET-PARAMSPIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 3. * TRANSACT OPTIONS 01 SQL-COMMIT PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 0. 60 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 A.2 COBOL Header File SQLCLI.CBH 01 SQL-ROLLBACK PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 1. * NULL HANDLES FOR ERROR 01 SQL-NULL-HENV PIC S9(9) BINARY VALUE IS 0. 01 SQL-NULL-HDBC PIC S9(9) BINARY VALUE IS 0. 01 SQL-NULL-HSTMT PIC S9(9) BINARY VALUE IS 0. * COLATTRIBUTE OPTIONS 01 SQL-COLUMN-COUNTPIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 1. 01 SQL-COLUMN-NAME PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 2. 01 SQL-COLUMN-TYPE PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 3. 01 SQL-COLUMN-LENGTH PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 4. 01 SQL-COLUMN-PRECISION PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 5. 01 SQL-COLUMN-SCALEPIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 6. 01 SQL-COLUMN-NULLABLE PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 7. 01 SQL-COLUMN-UNNAMED PIC S9(4) BINARY VALUE IS 8. Typical header files 61 62 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 Annex B Sample C programs Here are two examples of using CLI. The first example illustrates creating a table, adding some data to it, and selecting the inserted data. Both methods of SQL specifi- cation and execution are shown (that is, Prepare()/Execute() and ExecDirect()). Embedded SQL has been included in this example for illustrative purposes. The second example shows interactive ad hoc query processing. Actual applications include more complete error checking following calls to CLI routines. That material is omitted from this Appendix for the sake of clarity. B.1 Create Table, Insert, Select include "sqlcli.h" include ifndef NULL define NULL 0 endif int print_err(SQLHDBC hdbc, SQLHSTMT hstmt); int example1(SQLCHAR * server, SQLCHAR * uid) { SQLHENVhenv; SQLHDBChdbc; SQLHSTMT hstmt; SQLINTEGER id; SQLCHARname[51]; SQLINTEGER namelen; SQLSMALLINT scale; scale = 0; /* EXEC SQL CONNECT TO :server USER :uid; */ SQLAllocEnv(&henv); /* allocate an environment handle */ Sample C programs 63 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 B.1 Create Table, Insert, Select SQLAllocConnect(henv, &hdbc); /* allocate a connection handle * / /* connect to database */ if (SQLConnect(hdbc, server, SQL_NTS, uid, SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS) return(print_err(hdbc, SQL_NULL_HSTMT)); SQLAllocStmt(hdbc, &hstmt); /* allocate a statement handle * / /* EXEC SQL CREATE TABLE NAMEID (ID integer, NAME varchar(50)); * / { SQLCHAR create[] ="CREATE TABLE NAMEID (ID integer, NAME varchar(50))"; /* execute the SQL statement */ if (SQLExecDirect(hstmt, create, SQL_NTS) != SQL_ SUCCESS) return(print_err(hdbc, hstmt)); } /* EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK; */ SQLTransact(henv, hdbc, SQL_COMMIT); /* commit create table * / /* EXEC SQL INSERT INTO NAMEID VALUES ( :id, :name ); */ { SQLCHAR insert[] = "INSERT INTO NAMEID VALUES (?, ?)"; /* show the use of SQLPrepare/SQLExecute method */ /* prepare the insert */ if (SQLPrepare(hstmt, insert, SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS) return(print_err(hdbc, hstmt)); SQLBindParam(hstmt, 1, SQLBUF_LONG, SQL_INTEGER, (SQLINTEGER)sizeof(SQLINTEGER), scale, (SQLPOINTER)&id, (SQLINTEGER *)NULL); SQLBindParam(hstmt, 2, SQLBUF_CHAR, SQL_VARCHAR, (SQLINTEGER)sizeof(name), scale, (SQLPOINTER)name, (SQLINTEGER *)NULL); /* now assign parameter values and execute the insert */ id = 500; (void)strcpy((char *)name, "Babbage"); if (SQLExecute(hstmt) != SQL_SUCCESS) return(print_err(hdbc, hstmt)); } /* EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK; */ SQLTransact(henv, hdbc, SQL_COMMIT); /* commit insert */ /* EXEC SQL DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT ID, NAME FROM NAMEID; * / /* EXEC SQL OPEN c1; */ /* The application doesn't specify "declare c1 cursor for" */ 64 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 B.1 Create Table, Insert, Select { SQLCHAR select[] = "select ID, NAME from NAMEID"; if (SQLExecDirect(hstmt, select, SQL_NTS) != SQL_ SUCCESS) return(print_err(hdbc, hstmt)); } /* EXEC SQL FETCH c1 INTO :id, :name; */ /* use column binding with SQLBindCol */ SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQLBUF_LONG, (SQLPOINTER)&id, (SQLINTEGER)sizeof(SQLINTEGER), (SQLINTEGER *)NULL); SQLBindCol(hstmt, 2, SQLBUF_CHAR, (SQLPOINTER)name, (SQLINTEGER)sizeof(name), (SQLINTEGER *)&namelen); SQLFetch(hstmt); /* now execute the fetch */ /* finally, we should commit, discard hstmt, disconnect */ /* EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK; */ SQLTransact(henv, hdbc, SQL_COMMIT); /* commit the transaction * / /* EXEC SQL CLOSE c1; */ SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP); /* free the statement handle */ /* EXEC SQL DISCONNECT; */ SQLDisconnect(hdbc);/* disconnect from the database */ SQLFreeConnect(hdbc); /* free the connection handle */ SQLFreeEnv(henv); /* free the environment handle */ return(0); } B.2 Interactive Query /* * sample program to get the general idea for interactively executing * an ad hoc statement. */ include "sqlcli.h" include include define MAXCOLS 100 define max(a,b) (a>b?a:b) int print_err(SQLHDBC hdbc, SQLHSTMT hstmt); int build_indicator_message(SQLCHAR * errmsg, SQLPOINTER * data, SQLINTEGER collen, SQLINTEGER *outlen, SQLSMALLINT colnum); Sample C programs 65 YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 B.2 Interactive Query SQLINTEGER display_length(SQLSMALLINT coltype, SQLINTEGER collen, SQLCHAR *colname); example2(SQLCHAR * server, SQLCHAR * uid, SQLCHAR * sqlstr) { int i; SQLHENVhenv; SQLHDBChdbc; SQLHSTMT hstmt; SQLCHARerrmsg[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH+1]; SQLCHARcolname[SQL_MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH+1]; SQLSMALLINT coltype; SQLSMALLINT colnamelen; SQLSMALLINT nullable; SQLINTEGER collen[MAXCOLS]; SQLSMALLINT scale; SQLINTEGER outlen[MAXCOLS]; SQLCHAR * data[MAXCOLS]; SQLSMALLINT nresultcols; SQLINTEGER rowcount; SQLRETURN rc; SQLAllocEnv(&henv); /* allocate an environment handle */ SQLAllocConnect(henv, &hdbc); /* allocate a connection handle * / /* connect to database */ if (SQLConnect(hdbc, server, SQL_NTS, uid, SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS ) return( print_err(hdbc, SQL_NULL_HSTMT) ); /* allocate a statement handle */ SQLAllocStmt(hdbc, &hstmt); /* execute the SQL statement */ if (SQLExecDirect(hstmt, sqlstr, SQL_NTS) != SQL_SUCCESS) return(print_err(hdbc,hstmt)); /* see what kind of statement it was */ SQLNumResultCols(hstmt, &nresultcols); if (nresultcols == 0) { /* no result columns, so must be non-select */ /* check rowcount */ SQLRowCount(hstmt, &rowcount); if (rowcount > 0 ) { /* rowcount was affected, so must have been update, insert or delete * / if (SQLTransact(henv, hdbc, SQL_COMMIT) == SQL_SUCCESS) { (void)printf("%ld rows affected0, rowcount); (void)printf("Operation successful0); } else 66 (ISO Working Draft) SQL Call-Level Interface (CLI) YOK-009 and X3H2-93-081 B.2 Interactive Query (void)printf("Operation failed0); } else { /* rowcount == 0, so assume it was not an update/delete and therefore a DDL, Grant/Revoke, or Commit/Rollback. Of course this isn't necessarily so--it could be that the where clause in the update/delete did not match any rows * / if (SQLTransact(henv, hdbc, SQL_COMMIT) == SQL_SUCCESS) (void)printf("Operation successful0); else (void)printf("Operation failed0); } } else { /* must have result rows */ /* display column names */ for (i=0; i= collen[i]) build_indicator_message(errmsg, (SQLPOINTER *)&data[i], collen[i], &outlen[i], i); } (void)printf("%*.*s ", outlen[i], outlen[i], data[i]); } /* for all columns in this row */ (void)printf("126s", errmsg); /* print any truncation messages * / } /* while rows to fetch */ } /* else select statement */ /* free data buffers */ for (i=0; i