Downloading Internet files to a PC From: (Dan Mahoney) Here are some "GENERAL INSTRUCTION" for downloading your "MILEAGE MAY VARY" If you use KERMIT OR PROCOMM telecommm programs with a pc in order to connect to a vax, here is how you download A) Procomm DOWNLOADING TEXT FILES 1)At your VMS or UNIX prompt type "kermit" 2)then at the C-Kermit prompt type "show" look to see what the parity is and what the file type is in order for your pc to catch the file the parity must match on both the vax and the pc You can change the setting on the vax side by typing "set parity none" at the C-Kermit prompt 3)Always set up the remote side first (vax is remote) type "send filename" ((* IF UPLOADING TYPE "receive filename"*)) 4)Then do a PGDN (make sure NUMLOCK IS OFF) (**UPLOADING hit the PGUP key pick protocol type in filename **) you get a list of transfer protocols pick two for Kermit Procomm then shows a progress screen- if nuthin parity is usually the problem else After Procomm is done catching the file you should see the C-Kermit prompt on the vax type q to leave the vax kermit ( the file you downloading will be in the directory that your procomm is in) 5) DOWNLOADING EXECUTABLES OR BINARIES kindofsortoflike above type "set file type binary" at C-kermit (its the default in procomm-but to check ALT S then a 3, then look at 8 B) KERMIT 1) invoke kermit on the vax, do a "show" to see parameters do a "set parity none" if neccessary do a "set file type binary" if neccessary setup remote side first (ie vax) type "set filename" ((*UPLOADING type "receive filename") then do the ESCAPE SEQUENCE on local kermit, normally either CONTROL / c or CONTROL ] c, should say on status line of local kermit screen type "receive filename" ((*UPLOADING type "send filename") and you should see the progress screen when finished you should see the local Kermit-MS prompt then type a "c" to connect back. File will be in the directory that kermit resides.