Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1992 21:58:49 CST Reply-To: Public-Access Computer Systems Forum Sender: Public-Access Computer Systems Forum From: "Charles Bailey, University of Houston" Subject: Library-Oriented Computer Conferences and E-Serials (Revised) To: Multiple recipients of list PACS-L Status: OR ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Library-Oriented Computer Conferences and Electronic Serials By Charles W. Bailey, Jr. 1.0 Computer Conferences Computer conferences are becoming an increasingly important form of communication for librarians. There are a growing number of computer conferences of interest to librarians on BITNET and Internet. Most BITNET conferences utilize the Revised LISTSERV software, which was written by ERIC Thomas. This software is referred to as the "list server." You can obtain a directory of LISTSERV documentation by sending the following e-mail message to any list server: INFO ? Once you know the name of the desired documentation file, send another INFO command to the list server to obtain the file. For example, to get a file that describes searching the message database of a list, send the following command: INFO DATABASE Internet computer conferences use diverse software. Contact the person who sponsors the list you are interested in to get further information about how the conference software works. Computer conferences on both BITNET and Internet are commonly called "lists." 1.1 BITNET Lists ACRLNY-L@NYUACF Listings of Library Jobs and Events ADVANC-L@IDBSU Geac Advance Library System ALF-L@YORKVM1 Academic Librarian's Forum ARCHIVES@INDYCMS Archives and Archivists List ARLIS-L@UKCC Art Libraries Association of North America ATLAS-L@TCUBVM Data Research ATLAS Users AUTOCAT@UVMVM Library Cataloging and Authorities Discussion Group BI-L@BINGVMB Bibliographic Instruction BRS-L@USCVM BRS/Search Users BUSLIB-L@IDBSU Business Librarians CARL-L@UHCCVM CARL Users CDPLUS-L@UTORONTO CDPLUS Software User Group CDROMLAN@IDBSU CD-ROM LAN's CHMINF-L@IUBVM Chemical Information Sources CIRCPLUS@IDBSU Circulation and Access Services CNI-ARCH@UCCVMA Coalition for Networked Information Architecture and Standards Work Group CNIDIR-L@UNMVM Coalition for Networked Information Working Group on Directories CWIS-L@WUVMD Campus-Wide Information Systems ELLASBIB@GREARN Library Automation in Greece EXLIBRIS@RUTVM1 Rare Books and Special Collections Forum FISC-L@NDSUVM1 Fee-Based Information Service Centers in Academic Libraries GOVDOC-L@PSUVM Government Documents ILL-L@UVMVM Interlibrary Loan INFO+REF@INDYCMS Information + Referral List INNOPAC@MAINE Innovative Interfaces Users INT-LAW@UMINN1 Foreign and International Law Librarians LIBADMIN@UMAB Library Administration and Management LIBMASTR@UOTTAWA Library Master Bibliographic Database LIBPLN-L@QUCDN Library Planning LIBRARY@INDYCMS Libraries and Librarians LIBREF-L@KENTVM Discussion of Library Reference Issues LIBRES@KENTVM Library and Information Science Research MAPS-L@UGA Maps and Air Photo Forum MEDLIB-L@UBVM Medical and Health Sciences Libraries MLA-L@IUBVM Music Library Association MULTILIS@ALBNYVM1 multiLIS Users NOTIS-L@TCSVM NOTIS Users NOTISACQ@CUVMB NOTIS Acquisitions Discussion Group NOTMUS-L@UBVM Notis Music Library List NOTRBCAT@INDYCMS Rare Book and Special Collections Catalogers OFFCAMP@WAYNEST1 Off-Campus Library Services List PACS-L@UHUPVM1 Public-Access Computer Systems Forum PACS-P@UHUPVM1 PACS-L Publications Only SERIALST@UVMVM Serials Users Discussion Group SPILIB-L@SUVM SPIRES Users USMARC-L@MAINE USMARC Advisory Group Forum VTLSLIST@VTVM1 VTLS Users Discussion Group Z3950IW@NERVM Z39.50 Implementors Workshop To subscribe, send the e-mail message: SUBSCRIBE List First Name Last Name to LISTSERV@NODE, where node is the part of the address after the "@" character. (If you are not on BITNET, ask your computer center how to address a message to the desired BITNET node.) For example, Jane Doe sends the following e-mail message to LISTSERV@UHUPVM1 to subscribe to PACS-L: SUBSCRIBE PACS-L Jane Doe For a complete list of all conferences on BITNET, send the following command to any LISTSERV address: LIST GLOBAL A useful directory of BITNET and Internet conferences, which is classified by subject and includes descriptions, is also available. Send the following commands to LISTSERV@KENTVM: GET ACADLIST FILE1 GET ACADLIST FILE2 GET ACADLIST FILE3 GET ACADLIST FILE4 GET ACADLIST FILE5 GET ACADLIST FILE6 For further information, contact Diane Kovacs: DKOVACS@KENTVM. 1.2 Internet Lists Conservation DistList (Conservation of Archive, Library, and Museum Materials) Send a subscription request to Walter Henry: WHENRY@LINDY.STANFORD.EDU. DYNIX_L@OYSTER.SMCM.EDU (DYNIX Users) Send a subscription request to Todd D. Kelley: KELLEY@OYSTER.SMCM.EDU. IAMSLIC@UCSD.EDU (International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers) Send the following command to LISTSERV@UCSD.EDU: SUBSCRIBE Your E-Mail Address IAMSLIC LAW-LIB@UCDAVIS.EDU (Law Librarians) Send subscription requests to: LAW-REQ@UCDAVIS.EDU Contact Elizabeth St. Goar for technical questions: ESTGOAR@UCDAVIS.EDU. LIB_HYTELNET@SASK.USASK.CA (TELNET Access to Network Resources) Send subscription request to Peter Scott: SCOTT@SKLIB.USASK.CA. LS2K@CC.UTAH.EDU (LS/2000 Users Group) Send subscription request to: LS2K-REQUEST@CC.UTAH.EDU. 2.0 Electronic Serials There are a growing number of library-related electronic journals and newsletters available on BITNET and Internet. ACQNET (The Acquisitions Librarian's Electronic Network) Send a subscription request to Christian Boissonnas: CRI@CORNELLC. ALCTS NETWORK NEWS (Association for Library Collections and Technical Services) Send the following message to LISTSERV@UICVM: SUBSCRIBE ALCTS First Name Last Name. For a list of back issue files, send the message: INDEX ALCTS. Consortium Update (SPIRES) Send a subscription request to: HQ.CON@STANFORD. Current Cites TELNET MELVYL.UCOP.EDU; Enter command: SHOW CURRENT CITES. (Also distributed on PACS-L.) Further information: David F. W. Robison, DROBISON@UCBLIBRA Hot Off the Tree (HOTT) (Excerpts and Abstracts of Articles about Information Technology) TELNET MELVYL.UCOP.EDU; Enter command: SHOW HOTT. Further information: Susan Jurist, SJURIST@UCSD.EDU. IRLIST Digest (Information Retrieval Research) Send the following message to LISTSERV@UCCVMA: SUBSCRIBE IR-L First Name Last Name. For a list of back issue files, send the message: INDEX IR-L. MeckJournal Send a subscription request to MECKLER@TIGGER.JVNC.NET. Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues Send the following message to LISTSERV@UNCVX1: SUBSCRIBE PRICES-L First Name Last Name. Public-Access Computer Systems News Sent to PACS-L and PACS-P subscribers. See above. For a list of back issue files, send the following message to LISTSERV@UHUPVM1: INDEX PACS-L. The Public-Access Computer Systems Review Sent to PACS-L and PACS-P subscribers. See above. For a list of article files, send the following message to LISTSERV@UHUPVM1: INDEX PACS-L. To obtain a complete list of electronic serials, send the following commands to LISTSERV@UOTTAWA: GET EJOURNL1 DIRECTRY GET EJOURNL2 DIRECTRY For further information, contact Michael Strangelove: 441495@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1992 by Charles W. Bailey, Jr. All Rights Reserved. Copying is permitted for noncommercial use by computer conferences, individual scholars, and libraries. This message must appear on all copied material. All commercial use requires permission. +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Charles W. Bailey, Jr. Voice: (713) 749-4241 | | Assistant Director For Systems FAX: (713) 749-3867 | | University Libraries BITNET: LIB3@UHUPVM1 | | University of Houston CompuServe: 71161,3410 | | Houston, TX 77204-2091 | |------------------------------------------------------------| | Co-Editor, Advances in Library Automation and Networking | | Editor-in-Chief, The Public-Access Computer Systems Review | | Co-Editor, Public-Access Computer Systems News | +------------------------------------------------------------+ Revised 2/6/92