2pcsum.doc (20 KB) [Mar 5 1996]
GM summary sheet for 2 PC:s.
MS-Word 6.0 document by Jay Stringer
CharMan (--dir--)
Rolemaster Character Management program (Windows 95). Veeeerrrrry large
and very comprehensive. By Bryan Reynolds, BrReynolds@aol.com. Check out his
page at
CharS (--dir--)
Character sheets for rolemaster as a Excel spreadsheets from Monfort Family.
This is directory contains all excel-files as separate files.
Some or most Option rules that directly effect character sheets from
CHL, RMC1-5, Oriental companion and possibly some Spell and Alchemist
Companion. Includes skill costs.
CharS.XLS.bin (239 KB) [Feb 2 1995]
Character sheets for rolemaster as a Excel spreadsheets from Monfort Family.
This is a machintosh self exctracting archive.
Some or most Option rules that directly effect character sheets from
CHL, RMC1-5, Oriental companion and possibly some Spell and Alchemist
Companion. Includes skill costs.
CharSheet.ps (18 KB) [Oct 4 1996]
Rolemaster character sheet in PostScript-format.
CombatTrack.ps (14 KB) [Oct 4 1996]
Combat tracking sheet for Rolemaster in PostScript format.
GMCharSheet.ps (19 KB) [Oct 4 1996]
Rolemaster character sheet for GM-use in PostScript format.
RM2Skills.ps (17 KB) [Oct 4 1996]
Rolemaster (2nd edition) skillranks tracking sheet in PostScript format.
RMPROTold.ZIP (799 KB) [Nov 26 19:03]
Rolemaster Character generation sheets by Robert Wenner (wenner@rheinsieg.de)
These Excel sheets are used to generate a 2nd edition Rolemaster
character record. The main reason for the sheets is to get rid of
bookkeeping, browsing through various tables and books, and not to
compute everything manual. In some way the sheets work as a character
generator, but it is only a basic and very simple approach on
character generation, added just for fun. There is no character
management, neither for PCs nor NPCs.
RMSSAPPS.ZIP (--link--) [Jul 23 1996]
Excel spreadsheet tools for Rolemaster Standard System by Joel Lovell
You type in the die rolls for initiative and select from the pull down menu
the actions, and enter the modifiers for the action, and it will calculate
the time for that action automatically. You can have up to 15 characters up
at once with each up to three simultaneous actions. This is
CEATS II computerized, ala spreadsheet.
This is the definitive "working" spreadsheet for RMSS character creation.
A one page simple sheet for GM to create a little more detailed npc's
with. It doesn't have the skill worksheets, etc. You may or may not
find it useful, but I use it to work up on the fly a npc's stats,
RR's, etc. as needed.
RMSSCG21.ZIP (281 KB) [Jul 31 1996]
Character sheet for Rolemaster Standard System. MS-Excel 5.0 spreadsheet.
Contains professions, races, skill costs, etc. etc.
Revision 2.1. Assembled by Joel Lovell
ROLE_CHA.ZIP (173 KB) [Feb 1 1995]
Excel 5 -spreadsheet for Rolemaster character-generation and level-advancing,
supports 44 Rolemaster professions up to RMC5 (from Alchemist to Witch), 48
races and 390 skills (even Spacemaster skills).
SkillCategories.ps (18 KB) [Oct 4 1996]
Rolemaster Standard System skill category sheet in PostScript format.
SkillRecord.ps (14 KB) [Oct 4 1996]
Rolemaster Standard System skill record sheet in PostScript format.
cenwulf.zip (184 KB) [Dec 26 1996]
RMSS Character sheet for Excel.
csheeta.doc (704 KB) [Mar 6 1996]
RM2 character sheets for professions: Animist, Archer, Archmage,
Assasin, Barbarian, Bard, Bashkar, Beastmaster, Bounty Hunter, Burglar,
Cavalier, Cleric, Druid, Duelist, Fighter, Healer, High Warrior Monk, Il
lusionist, Lay Healer, Leader, Magician, Mentalist, Monk
MS-Word 6.0 document by Jay Stringer
csheetb.doc (519 KB) [Mar 5 1996]
RM2 character sheets for professions: Nightblade, Noble Warrior, Paladin,
Ranger, Rogue, Runemaster, Sailor, Shaman, Sleuth, Sorcerer, Thief,
Trench Fighter, Warlock, Warrior, Warrior Mage, Warrior Monk, Witch
MS-Word 6.0 document by Jay Stringer
equip.doc (13 KB) [Mar 6 1996]
Equipment sheet.
MS-Word 6.0 document by Jay Stringer
gmsum.doc (17 KB) [Mar 5 1996]
Gamemasters PC record sheet.
MS-Word 6.0 document by Jay Stringer
hups-3.12-us-letter.ps (83 KB) [Mar 11 1993]
Version 3.12 of rolemaster character sheet of hups-group (Tero Kivinen
). Postscript version. US letter version.
Tero Kivinen
hups-3.12.ps (554 KB) [Sep 22 1992]
Version 3.12 of rolemaster character sheet of hups-group (Tero Kivinen
). Postscript version. A4 version.
Tero Kivinen
hups-3.12.xls (39 KB) [Mar 15 1993]
Version 3.12 of rolemaster character sheet of hups-group (Tero Kivinen
). Microsoft excel raw binary version.
Tero Kivinen
hups-3.12.xls.bin (39 KB) [Sep 22 1992]
Version 3.12 of rolemaster character sheet of hups-group (Tero Kivinen
). Microsoft excel macbinary version.
Tero Kivinen
rm.zip (237 KB) [Nov 23 1995]
Rolemaster (2nd edition) Character Generation Utility for Excel v5.0
written by Paul Owen (firedrake@cix.compulink.co.uk)
rm2template.zip (224 KB) [Nov 21 1996]
Character sheet (Excel 7) designed for use with either the Rolemaster
(2nd ed.) or Space Master game system, by Branden Pelok (brp@apk.net)
(originally by Wolfgang Reichl and associates). Also available from
rmchstv2.zip (588 KB) [Apr 1 15:30]
Rolemaster Standard System character making and maintainance sheet, version 2.
An Excel 7.0 workbook. Only contains classes/races/cultures from the
Standard Rules; new ones will be added as the author gets his hands
on them. Made by Gary Denney (archer@dimensional.com). Also
available from Gary's own site: http://www.dimensional.com/~archer/
rmprot.zip (1519 KB) [Oct 26 14:40]
rmprot is a set of Excel programs to create a 2nd edition Rolemaster
character record and aid in character development. This program is
distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
To use the programs, you should:
(1) read the documentation in rmprot.htm
(2) place all the files from the zip file in a directory
(3) open Excel
(4) open the makerm.xls file and follow the instructions on screen.
Robert Wenner (robert.wenner@gmx.de)
rmss.zip (204 KB) [Jul 27 1995]
RoleMaster Standard System character sheets. Lotus 123 spreadsheets.
rmsschar.zip (697 KB) [Aug 6 1996]
This software is FreeWare, although if you use this Character
Generator, and like it, I would be happy to receive a postcard from
you in the near future. My address is (snail mail):
Björn Asle Taranger
Hammerstadsgaten 23 A
N-0363 Oslo
Note: Due to ICE copyright restrictions, I am not allowed to supply
descriptions of races, professions, herbs, spells, etc. This
information can, however, be inserted by the users of this database,
since I have facilitated a memo-field (or more)
To use this Character Generator, you need to have MS Access 2.0
installed on your computer. There have been some attempts to use this
with MS Access 7.0, but unfortunately there are some conversion
problems with this. I am not able to support the conversion to Access
7.0, since I do not use Access 7.0 on my computer. I have made some
changes to the tables, so this version (release 2) is not directly
compatible with the previous releases. Shouldn't be too difficult to
enter the "good old" character into the new database, though.
rmsschrs.zip (152 KB) [Aug 16 1995]
Rolemaster Standard System character sheets for Windows MS-Word 6.0
rmsschst.zip (122 KB) [Sep 24 1996]
Rolemaster Standard System character making and maintainance sheet.
An Excel 7.0 workbook. Only contains classes/races/cultures from the
Standard Rules; new ones will be added as the author gets his hands
on them. Made by Gary Denney (archer@dimensional.com).
You people from North America might like to upload this from Gary's own site:
http://www.dimensional.com/~archer/ or ftp://ftp.dimensional.com/users/archer/
rolemaster.ps.Z (6 KB) [Aug 6 1993]
Two page character sheet for rolemaster by Tero Kivinen .
Very small font (print it on A4 and zoom to A3 then you will get
usable copy).
Tero Kivinen
sheet.ascii.lzh (9 KB) [Aug 6 1993]
Ascii character sheets for {role,space}master by Tero Kivinen
. Very small font (print it on A4 and zoom to A3 then
you will get usable copy).
Contains item-sheet, skill-sheet, spell-sheet and one sheet for
rolemaster and one sheet for spacemaster (ssheet). Postscript version
of rolemastersheet is in rolemaster.ps.Z in this directory.
Tero Kivinen
times.doc (16 KB) [Mar 5 1996]
GM summary sheet for 2 PC:s. MS-Word document.
ul.zip (50 KB) [Jul 27 1995]
Character Sheets for RoleMaster Standard System (MS Word 6.0)