1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. c4 dxe4 4. Nc3 Nf6 5. f3 Bb4 6. Qa4+
Thanks to this game, I have started to play 6. Be3, intending Qc2 and O-O-O.
6... Nc6 7. a3 Bxc3+ 8. bxc3 O-O 9. Bg5 h6 10. Bh4
10. h4? hxg5 11. hxg5 Nd7 12. f4 f6! 13 g6 Qe8 -+.
10... exf3
AW: "I must admit that I would never play this in a tournament game. But it looks entertaining."
11. Nxf3 e5
11... g5 12. Nxg5?! hxg5 13. Bxg5 Kg7 14. Bd3 Qd6 -/+.
12. O-O-O
12. d5 e4 13. O-O-O exf3 (13... Ne7) 14. dxc6 fxg2? 15. Bxg2 Qe8 16. cxb7 +/-.
12... e4
12... exd4 13. cxd4 Bg4 14. Bd3 looks promising for White.
13. Ne5
13. Nd2 Re8 14. Be2 or 14. d5?! e3 -/+.
13... Ne7
Other moves are worse, leading to unclear positions:
14. Be2
14... Nf5
14... g5!? 15. Bg3 Nh7 with the idea f6, f5, f4.
15. Bf2
15. Bg3 Ne3 16. Rdg1 c5 -/+, especially 17. dxc5?? Qe7 would lose the knight on e5.
15... Nd7
15... e3? 16. Bg1 threatening g4 and Bxe3.
16. g4
16. Qc2 Nxe5 17. dxe5 Qe7 -/+.
16... Qg5+ 17. Kb1 Nxe5
18. dxe5
18. gxf5 Qxf5 -/+.
e3 19. Be1
19. Bg1 Ne7
19... Ne7 20. Bg3
20. Rg1!? Qxe5 21. Bg3 (21. Rg3 f5 -+) Qxc3 22. Rd3 Qf6 23. Rxe3 Qb6+ -+.
20... Bxg4 21. Bxg4 Qxg4 22. Qd7 Nf5
22... Qxd7 23. Rxd7 Ng6 24. Rxc7 b6 intending Rac8 =/+.
23. Rhg1 e2 24. Rde1 Rfd8 25. Qxc7 Qe4+ 26. Ka1 Qc2 0-1
There is nothing against 27... Rd2 or Rd1.