Povilas Laucius from Lithuania started the DDG Super Chess Computer Tournament in March 1997.
He will put the following programs to play each other twice (once as White, once as Black), so six games will be played in total. Ratings are in parentheses.
Time control is 2 hours for 40 moves. Programs are running on 120 MHz Pentium (24 MB RAM).
Programs start playing after moves 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. e4 dxe4. Laucius has also planned another tournament, where programs would continue with 4. Nc3 Nf6 5. f3; without forcing, they seem to play 5. Nge2 almost always.
Played games are in PGN. Moves 1-15 are played on one day, and the rest of the game on some other day. All the games should be played by May 1997.