Tomas Segerberg (1800) - Jyrki Heikkinen (1880)

Diemer-Duhm Gambit, DDGA'96, 5.12.1996

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. c4 dxe4 4. Nc3 c5 5. d5 exd5 6. cxd5 f5

TS: 6... Bf5 7. g4 Bg6 8. Bg2 Nf6 9. g5 or 8... Qe7 9. Qe2 with interesting game. This of course fails to follow the gambit idea. Why play gambits when you try to retake the pawn?

JH: 6... Bf5 7. Nxe4! regains the pawn.

7. Qh5+

Interesting idea, weakening Black's castled-to-be king. Brause, a crafty program has used a similar idea: 4. Nc3 f5 5. Qh5+.

TS: When Black plays f5, the f3 push is met with silence and fxe4 by fxe4 leaving a pawn on e4, which is a major obstacle to the king's knight.

7... g6 8. Qd1 Nf6

8... Bd6 9. g4!?.

9. Bc4 a6 10. a4 Bd6 11. Nge2

I was afraid of 11. Bh6 Ng4 (11... Kf7? 12. Nh3) 12. Qd2 e3!? 13. Bxe3 O-O 14. Bf4 =.

11... O-O 12. Nf4

12. O-O g5!?

After the text, the problem is how to prevent the knight from coming to e6.

12... Ng4 13. h4

13. Ne6 Qh4 14. Qe2? (14. g3 =) e3 15. Bxe3 Nxe3 -/+ because of 16. Qxe3 Qxc4.

TS: Further, what is wrong with 13. Ne6 Bxe6 14. dxe6 Be7 when the pawn will be difficult to protect?

TS: 13. h4 is bad and white is beginning to have problems with the king. 12. O-O is probably necessary. I had an idea to exploit the open diagonal to your kingside but I tried to do so much too quickly.

13... Ne5

13... Qe7 14. Ne6 e3!? is unclear.

14. b3??

This must be a serious mistake. Suddenly Black gets very strong initiative.

TS: It was. I have added one more ? since the move actually lost the game. After 14... Qa5 white might as well resign. On the other hand, 14. Ba2 Bd7 would allow black to produce a counter-attack on the queenside. 14. Bb3 c4 15. Bc2 Nd3+ looks even worse. White should have castled earlier.

14... Qa5 15. Rh3?

Another weak move, and White is driven to deep defence.

TS: There are no good moves, only bad or worse moves.

After seeing all this I simply played 15. Rh3 since I could see no clear material gain for black in just a few moves. However, after 15... e3 the position collapses and I leave it to Jyrki to comment the rest.

15... e3 16. Ne2

Other moves lose a piece: 16. Rxe3 Nxc4 17. bxc4 Bxf4.

16... f4 17. Rh1 f3

Go for a mate!

18. gxf3

18. Bxe3?? fxg2 19. Rg1 Nf3#.

18... Nxf3+ 19. Kf1 Bh2 20. d6+ Kg7 21. Kg2

21... Nxh4+! 22. Kxh2 Rxf2+ 23. Kg3 Nf5+ 24. Kh3

24. Kg4 h5+ 25. Rxh5 gxh5+

24... Qd8 0-1

PGN version.