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You can help get Hesperian books and CDs into the hands of health workers, teachers, volunteers, and community leaders around the world.

Going on a delegation – a medical team, a development or service learning project, a faith-based mission or other? Traveling on your own, or with friends or family, where health workers might need our books? Many people who need our materials can’t afford international shipping. Consider bringing a gift of Hesperian books to leave behind for the local clinic or library.

Are you part of an organization which works with a wide network of communities or health promoters? Contact us about organizational discounts so you can distribute the materials even more widely.

To help, or to share other ideas, email [email protected]. Thanks!

Kelly Quinn holding a copy of Donde no hay Doctor at Hesperian

Kelly Quinn, a volunteer nurse with Teach for Health, a San Francisco-based non-profit, picks up 40 copies of Donde no hay doctor in Hesperian’s office in Berkeley.

Kelly Quinn delivers copies of Donde no hay Doctor to 2 health promoters in Nicaragua.

For the past two years, Teach for Health has been working with health promoters in Nicaragua, providing training and educational materials with the help of Hesperian.