Resources in Bambara

Welcome to the Bambara resources page! Here you will find PDF downloads of our community health guides in Bambara, as well as information about how to order print copies from Hesperian and our translation partners.

It is prohibited to sell or distribute these files in any format for profit without prior written consent from Hesperian and the translator. To use Hesperian materials in educational settings, please credit both Hesperian and the translator.  See open copyright.

Dɔgɔtɔrɔ tε Sigida min na

Nin gafe in labaaralen don ka tεmε kεnεya gafe tɔw bεε diɲε kɔnɔ kεnεya baarakεlaw ni lakɔlikaramɔgɔ fε ani mɔgɔ wεrε minnu sen bε furakεli kunfɔlɔw ni kεnεyasabatili baaraw la. San 2019 na, gafe in lakurayala ani ka kεnεya kunnafolo labanw far'a kan, i n'a fɔ bana minnu bε sɔrɔ soso fε, ɲεnabanaw, bangekɔlɔsi fεεrεw, ani bana caman wεrεw. Nin gafe in bε yen angilεkan ni εsipaɲɔlikan ni pɔritigεkan ni kereyɔlikan ani uridukan na.

Where There Is No Doctor

Mr. Matthew Heberger
The Dokotoro Project
Oakland, California USA
Notes: Just Published! You can purchase the book here