From The Encyclopedia of Earth
Here you will find links to statistics, technical diagrams, maps, and other data related to the Deepwater Horizon disaster on these topics: → Assessment of the leak from the Macondo well (Data on the Deepwater Horizon disaster)
→ Spill response and containment efforts
→ Environmental impacts of the spill
→ Financial impacts of the disaster
→ Oil and gas industry in the Gulf of Mexico
NASA - gulf oil spill: one year later (3:25) Last Updated on 2011-04-20 00:00:00 This short video reveals a space-based view of the burning oil rig, the spill, and the location through April 1, 2011. The MODIS instrument, on board NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites, captured images of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The spill began on April 20, 2010 with the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. The oil slick appears grayish-beige in the images and changes due to changing weather, ocean currents, and the use of oil dispersing chemicals. You can learn more about NASA's satellite observations of the oil spill by visiting More » Gulf scene investigation: oil analysis (5:56) Last Updated on 2011-04-13 00:00:00 Since the Deepwater BP oil spill in April 2010, scientists have been collecting thousands of plant, animal, soil, and water samples to determine how the oil has impacted the Gulf's natural resources. After collection in the field, the samples get shipped to labs around the country for analysis. In this video, we'll go inside the lab to get a better understanding of how samples are analyzed, what scientists are looking for, and what happens to the data. While scientists are working hard to analyze many types of samples for a variety of reasons--seafood safety, for example--the samples being analyzed in this video will help inform the Natural Resource Damage Assessment--the process that determines how an oil spill affects the environment and ensures the responsible parties pay for restoration. More »
Data on the financial impacts of the Deepwater Horizon disaster Last Updated on 2011-02-19 00:00:00 Data on the Deepwater Horizon main page Size and Percent Coverage of Fishing Area Closures Due to BP Oil Spill (.xls) BP p.l.c. Common Stock Share Prices (NYSE: BP) (.xls) BP's Deepwater Horizon Response Costs (.xls) Deepwater Horizon Damage Claims (.xls) - Value of payments handled by BP's Claims Facility (May 1 - Aug. 23, 2010) Deepwater Horizon Damage Claims (.xls) - Value of settlements handled by Gulf Coast Claims Facility (Aug. 24, 2010 - Present) Data on the Deepwater Horizon main page More »
Data on the environmental impacts of the Deepwater Horizon spill Last Updated on 2011-02-07 00:00:00 Data on the Deepwater Horizon main page Size and Percent Coverage of Fishing Area Closures Due to BP Oil Spill (.xls) Analysis of water and sediment samples for dispersant-related compounds (.csv) Sediment sample locations analyzed for dispersants (.jpeg) - May 15-August 9 Water sample locations analyzed for dispersants (.jpeg) - May 17-August 18 Analysis of water samples for chemicals and compounds associated with oil (.csv) Oil sampling data (.csv) - includes oily debris, tar balls, mousse oil and other petroleum waste products that have washed up on the shore or were present on the surface of the water along the Gulf Coast. Sediment sampling data (.csv) - Sediment samples collected to assess potential oil spill impacts on aquatic life near shore were analyzed for 29 chemicals that are components of oil. Waste... More »
Data assessing the leak from the Macondo well Last Updated on 2011-02-06 00:00:00 Data on the Deepwater Horizon main page These documents contain data describing the quantities of oil and gas recovered on the surface from the Riser Insertion Tube Tool, the Choke Line and the Lower Marine Riser Package Top Hat #4. Combined Total Amount of Oil and Gas Recovered Daily from the Top Hat and Choke Line oil recovery systems, (.xls) (.ods) - Updated through 12:00 AM on July 16, 2010. Visual Breakout of the Cummulative Barrels of Oil Recovered by the Discoverer Enterprise, Q4000 and HP1, (.doc) - Updated through 12:00 AM on July 16, 2010. Oil and Gas Recovery Data from the Riser Insertion Tube, (.xls) (.ods) - From May 17 until the Riser Insertion Tube was disconnected on May 24 in preparation for cutting off the riser. Oil and Gas Flow Data from the Top Hat and from the Choke Line, (.xls) (.ods) - Updated through 12:00 AM on July... More » Drag and drop the content to change the order of featured content. The top nine will be displayed.