Climate Change Collection: Ecological
From The Encyclopedia of Earth
(Redirected from Climate change (Climate Change Collection: Ecological))
January 28, 2010, 3:52 pm
May 7, 2012, 11:42 am
Topics: |
Observed changes and responses in natural and managed systems
- Methods of detection impacts of climate change
- Observed, climate-related changes
Ecosystem services
- Overview
- Forest carbon sinks
- Water quality
- Climate change and timber production
- Climate change and non-timber forest products
- Eco-tourism
- Soil production and quality
- Overview
- Key impacts and vulnerabilities
- Surface waters
- Groundwater
- Saltwater intrusion
- Drought and flooding
- Water quality
- Erosion and sediment transport
- Costs and other socio-economic aspects
- Deserts
- Grasslands and savannas
- Mediterranean ecosystems
- Forests and woodlands
- Tundra and Arctic/Antarctic ecosystems
Geographic overview
- Critical issues
- Alaskan Arctic
- Arctic (Climate change and terrestrial wildlife management in the Arctic)
- Canadian north
- Fennoscandian north
- Russian Arctic and sub-Arctic
- Marine mammals and seabirds
- Threats to coral reefs
- Birds
- Insects
- Fish
- Mammals
- Reptiles
- Amphibians
- Grasses
- Coral reefs
- Trees
- Flowering plants
- Invasive species
- Importance of fisheries
- Current vulnerability
- Adaptive capacity
- Primary effects
- Aquaculture
- Importance of agriculture
- Current vulnerability
- Adaptive capacity
- Primary effects
- Monocropping
- Pastures and livestock
- Industrial crops and biofuels
- Subsistence farming communities
- Importance of forestry
- Current vulnerability
- Deforestation
- Adaptive capacity
- Primary effects
Coastal systems and low-lying areas
- Natural coastal ecosystems
- Human utilization of the coastal zone
- Effects of climate change on human utilization of the coastalzone
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