I must frankly own, that if I had known, beforehand, that this book would have cost me the labour which it has, I should never have been courageous enough to commence it. What moved me, in the first instance, to attempt a work like this, was the discomfort and suffering which I had seen brought upon men and women by household mismanagement. I have always thought that there is no more fruitful source of family discontent than a housewife's
badly-cooked dinners and untidy ways. Men are now so well served out of doors, at their clubs, well-ordered taverns, and dining-houses, that in order to compete with the attractions of these places, a mistress must be thoroughly acquainted with the theory and practice of cookery, as well as be perfectly conversant with all the other arts of making and keeping a comfortable home.
.In this book I have attempted to give, under thechapters devoted to cookery, an intelligible arrangement to every recipe, a list of the ingredients, a plain statement of the mode of preparing each dish, and a careful estimate of its cost, the number of peoplefor whom it is sufficient, and the time when it is seasonable. Continue reading
It was six years ago that I first heard of the One Period, Cold-Pack Method of canning. A circular was put in my hand one day at a federated club meeting announcing the fact that in a few weeks there would be a cold-pack demonstration about fifty miles away. I announced that I was going to the demonstration. Leaving my small daughter with my mother, I went to the Normal School at DeKalb, Illinois, and heard and saw for the first time cold-pack canning.
It is sufficient to say that those three days were so crowded full of interest and new messages on the gospel of canning that I felt amply repaid for going fifty miles. As a result of that trip, the first story ever published on cold-pack canning appeared in The Country Gentlemanand I had the pleasure of writing it. So enthused was I over this new, efficient and easy way to can not only fruits but hard vegetables, such as peas, corn and beans,
that I wanted to carry the good news into the kitchen of other busy housewives and mothers.
My mother had insisted that I take with me my younger sister, just from college, but with no domestic science tendencies. So, much against her wishes, preferring rather to do some settlement work, my sister went with me. Continue readingEVERY STEP IN CANNING THE COLD-PACK METHOD
Nym clene Wete and bray it in a morter wel that the holys [2] gon al of and seyt [3] yt til it breste and nym yt up. and lat it kele [4] and nym fayre fresch broth and swete mylk of Almandys or swete mylk of kyne and temper yt al. and nym the yolkys of eyryn [5]. boyle it a lityl and set yt adoun and messe yt forthe wyth fat venyson and fresh moton.[1] See again, No. I. of the second part of this treatise. [2] Hulls. [3] Miswritten for seythor sethe, i.e. seeth. [4] cool. [5] eggs.
II. FOR TO MAKE PISE of ALMAYNE.Nym wyte Pisyn and wasch hem and seth hem a good wyle sithsyn wasch hem in golde [1] watyr unto the holys gon of alle in a pot and kever it wel that no breth passe owt and boyle hem ryzt wel and do therto god mylk of Almandys and a party of flowr of ris and salt and safron and messe yt forthe.[1] cold.Cranys and Herons schulle be euarund [1] wyth Lardons of swyne and rostyd and etyn wyth gyngynyr.
[1] Perhaps enarmed, or enorned. See Mr. Brander's Roll, No. 146.IV.
Pecokys and Partrigchis schul benyparboyld and lardyd and etyn wyth gyngenyr. Continue readingANCIENT COOKERY. A.D. 1381.
THE INTERNATIONAL JEWISH COOK BOOK In compiling these recipes every effort has been made to bear in mind the resources of the Jewish kitchen, as well as the need of being economical and practical.
The aim throughout has been to lay special emphasis on those dishes which are characteristically Jewish - those time honored recipes which have been handed down the generations by Jewish housewives(for the Sabbath, Passover, etc). But the book contains a great many other recipes besides these, for the Jewish cook is glad to learn from her neighbors. Here will be found the favorite recipes of Germany, Hungary, Austria, France, Russia, Poland, Roumania, etc.; also hundreds of recipes used inthe American household. In fact, the book contains recipes of every kind of food appealing to the Jewish taste, which the Jewish housewife has been able
to adapt to the dietary laws, thus making the Cook Book truly International.
The manner of presentation is clear and simple, and if directions are followed carefully, will insure success to the inexperienced housewife. For the book has been largely planned to assist her in preparing wholesome, attractive meals; to serve the simplest as well as the most elaborate repast from appetizer to dessert- Continue readingTHE INTERNATIONAL JEWISH COOK BOOK -
BEEF SOUP STOCK (Brodo di Carne)
1 pound of round of beef
2 quarts of water
2 small, new carrots, or 1/2 of an old carrot
1/2 pound of beef bones
2 small potatoes1 onion1 tomato, fresh or canned
ParsleyBoil the beef, bones, and vegetables in two quarts of water over a slow fire, adding pepper and salt. Skim occasionally, and after two hours add two tablespoons of sherry; then strain through fine soup strainer or cheese cloth. This is the basis of all the following soups, except when otherwise stated.
To make this stock richer, add a turkey leg to above receipt; boil one and a half hours, then add one-half a pound of finely chopped beef. Cook for half an hour longer, then strain.
To make meat jelly, add a little gelatine to the soup stock five minutes before straining.
To give a good dark color to the stock, add a few drops of "caramel," which is prepared in the following manner: Continue readingSIMPLE ITALIAN COOKERY Antonia Isola
Before the meal which is to be served comes from the kitchen by way of the butler's pantry to the dining room, there are many things to be considered. The preparation of the meal (not the process of its cooking, but its planning as a composite whole) and all the various details which precede the actual sitting down at the table of those who expect to enjoy it, must be seen to. The preparation of the meal, its menu, will be dealt with later, in connection with the meal itself.
For the present we will concentrate on its preparatory aspects
The butler's pantry is the connecting link between kitchen and dining room. It is at the same time an arsenal and a reserve line, equipped with requisites to meet all emergencies. The perfect butler's pantry should contain everything, from vegetable brushes for cleaning celery to agalvanized refuse can. In between come matches, bread boards, soap, ammonia and washing soda, a dish drainer, every kind of towel, cheesecloth and holder, strainers (for tea, coffee and punch), ice water, punch and soup pitchers of enamel ware, the tools and seasonings for salad making, cut glass brushes, and knives of different sizes Continue reading
Without beginning ab ovoon a subject so light (a matter of importance, however, to many a modern Catius or Amasinius), by investigating the origin of the Art of Cookery, and the nature of it as practised by the Antediluvians [1]; without dilating on the several particulars concerning it afterwards amongst the Patriarchs, as found in the Bible [2], I shall turn myself immediately, and without further preamble, to a few cursory observations respecting the
Greeks, Romans, Britons, and those other nations, Saxons, Danes, and Normans, with whom the people of this nation are more closely connected.
The Greeks probably derived something of their skill from the East, (from the Lydians principally, whose cooks are much celebrated,) and something from Egypt. A few hints concerning Cookery may be collected from Homer, Aristophanes, Aristotle, &c.but afterwards they possessed many authors on the subject, as may be seen in Athenaeus. And as Dietetics were esteemed a branch of the study of medicine, as also they were afterwards, so many of those authors were Physicians; and the Cook was undoubtedly a character of high reputation at Athens. Continue reading
1. To makeAqua Mirabilis a very delicate way.
Take three Pints of Sack, three Pints of White Wine, one quart of the Spirit of Wine, one quart of the juice of Celandine leaves, of Melilot-flowers, Cardamum-seeds, Cubebs, Galingale, Nutmegs, Cloves, Mace, Ginger, two Drams of each; bruise them, and mix them with the Wine and Spirits, let it stand all night in the Still, not anAlembeck, but a common Still, close stopped with Rye Paste; the next morning make a slow fire in the Still, and all the while it is stilling, keep a wet Cloth about the neck of the Still, and put so much white Sugar Candy as you think fit into the Glass where it drops.
2. The Plague-Water which was most esteemed of in the late great Visitation.
Take three Pints of Muskadine, boil therein one handful of Sage, and one handful of Rue until a Pint be wasted, then strain it out, and set it over the Fire again. Continue readingTHEQUEENE-LIKE CLOSET
The recipes in this little book have been sent by Belgian refugees from all parts of the United Kingdom, and it is through the kindness of these correspondents that I have been able to compile it. It is thought, also, that British cooking may benefit by the study of Belgian dishes.
so this small manual is offered for the use of the work-a-day and inexperienced mistress and maid. It is not written in the interests ofmillionaires. The perfect cook, like Mrs. 'Arris or the fourth dimension, is often heard of, but never actually found. The recipes are simple, and most inexpensive, rather for persons of moderate means than for those who can follow the famous directions for a certain savory: "Take a leg of mutton," etc. A shelf of provisions should be valued, like love making, not only for itself but for what it may become.
SAVORIES: If you serve these, let them be, like an ankle, small and neat and alluring. This dish is not obligatory; recollect that it is but a culinary work of supererogation.
SOUP: Let your soup be extremely hot; do not let it be like the Laodiceans. You know what St. John said about them, and you would be sorry to think of your soup sharing the fate which he describes with such saintly verve. Continue readingTHE BELGIAN COOK-BOOK Mrs. Brian Luck
1. Austrian Goulasch.
Boil 2 calves' heads in salted water until tender; then cut the meat from the bone. Fry 1 dozen small peeled onions and 3 potatoes, cut into dice pieces; stir in 1 tablespoonful of flour and the sauce in which the meat was cooked. Let boil up, add the sliced meat, 1 teaspoonful of paprica and salt to taste; let all cook together fifteen minutes then serve very hot.2. East India Fish.
Slice 1/2 pound of cooked salmon; then heat 1 ounce of butter in a stew-pan; add 2 small onions chopped fine, 1 ounce of cocoanut, 2 hard-boiled eggs chopped. Let cook a few minutes, then add 1 pint of milk; let boil up once. Add the fish, 1 teaspoonful of curry paste, 1 teaspoonful of paprica and salt to taste. Let cook a few minutes, then stir in 1 large tablespoonful of boiled rice. Serve very hot with toast.3. English Gems.
Cream 1 cup of butter with 2 cups of brown sugar; add 4 beaten eggs, 1 teaspoonful of soda dissolved in 1 large cup of strong coffee, 1 cup of molasses, 4 cups of sifted flour, 1/2 teaspoonful each of nutmeg, allspice, cloves and mace, 2 teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar sifted with 1/2 cup of flour, 1 cup of raisins, 1/2 cup of currants and chopped citron. Mix well and fill buttered gem pans Continue reading365 FOREIGN DISHES
This book is written with the object of laying before the public a cookery book which will be useful not only to vegetarians, but also to flesh eaters, who are often at a loss for recipes for non-flesh dishes. Nowadays most people admit that "too much meat is eaten"; but when the housewife tries to put before her family or friends a meal inwhich meat is to be conspicuous by its absence, she is often at a loss how to set about it.
Vegetarians also frequently stay with non-vegetarian friends, or lodge with others who do not understand how to provide for them. For such this book will especially prove useful, for in it will be found a set of thirty menus, one for each day in a month, giving suitable recipes with quantities for one person only. Throughout this book it will be found that the use of wholemeal has been introduced in the place of white flour.
Those persons who do not care to follow the hygienic principle in its entirety can easily substitute white flour if preferred. The recipes have been written bearing in mind the necessity for a wholesome diet; and they will be found to be less rich than those in most of the cookery books published. Should any one wish to make the dishes richer, it can easily be done by an addition of butter, eggs, or cream. Continue reading
Rice is consumed by most European families at breakfast, tiffin, and dinner. It is eaten at breakfast with fried meat, fish, omelet, country captain, or some other curried dish, and, being invariably followed by toast and eggs, jams, fruit, &c., one coonkee, which contains about as much as an ordinary breakfast cup, or say half apound, will always be ample for four tolerably hearty consumers.There are two sizes of coonkees, large and small: reference is here made to the small coonkee, well filled. The quantity, however, of raw rice for a party off our should not exceed half a pound.
The rice at dinner is usually preceded by soup, fish, roast, and made dishes.
The best or generally approved qualities of rice for table use are known as the bhaktoolsee, the banafool,, the bassmuttee, and cheeneesuckur. In purchasing these, or indeed any other approved quality, care must be taken to avoid new rice and what is called urruah, which latter has been put through some process of boiling, or damped, and then dried. Both are considered unwholesome for general daily consumption, and few Indians will use them. Continue reading