ROUGH AND TUMBLE ENGINEERING James H. Maggard In placing this book before the public the author wishes it understood that it is not his intention to produce a scientific work on engineering. Such a book would be valuable only to engineers of large stationary engines. In a nice engine room nice theories and scientific calculations are practical. This book is intended for engineers of farm and traction engines "rough and tumble engineers," who have everything in their favor today, and tomorrow are in
mud holes, who with the same engine do eight horse work one day and sixteen horse work the next day. Reader, the author has had all these experiences and you will have them, but don't get discouraged. You can get through them to your entire satisfaction.
Don't conclude that all you are to do is to read this book.It will not make an engineer of you. But read it carefully, use good judgment and common sense, do as it tells you, and my word for it, in one month, you, for all practical purposes, will be a better engineer than four-fifths of the so-called engineers today, who think what they don't know would not make much of a book. Don't deceive yourself with the idea that what you get out of this will be merely "book learning." Continue reading
Farming and Gardening for Health or Disease
The earth's green carpet is the sole source of the food consumed by livestock and mankind. It also furnishes many of the raw materials needed by our factories. The consequence of abusing one of our greatest possessions is disease. This is the punishment meted out by Mother Earth for adopting methods of agriculture which are not in accordance with Nature's law of return.
We can begin to reverse this adverse verdict and transform disease into health by the proper use of the green carpet by the faithful return to the soil of all available vegetable, animal, and human wastes.
The purpose of this book is threefold: to emphasize the importance of solar energy and the vegetable kingdom in human affairs;o record my own observations and reflections, which have accumulated during some forty-five years, on the occurrence and prevention of disease; to establish the thesis that most of this disease can be traced to an impoverished soil, which then leads to imperfectly synthesized protein in the green leaf and finally to the breakdown of those protective arrangements which Nature has designed for us. Continue reading
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Farming and Gardening for Health or Disease
This book is not a technical treatise and is designed only to point out the plain, every-dayfacts in the natural scheme of making and keeping soils productive. It is concerned with the crops, methods, and fertilizers that favor the soil. The viewpoint, all the time, is that of the practical man who wants cash compensation for the intelligent care he gives to his land.The farming that leads into debt, and not in the opposite direction, is poor farming, no matter how well the soil may prosper under such treatment. The maintenance and increase of soil fertility go hand in hand with permanent income for the owner when the science that relates to farming is rightly used. Experiment stations and practical farmers have developed a dependable science within recent years, and there is no jarring of observed facts when we get hold of the simple
philosophy of it all.
Nearly all profitable farming in this country is based upon the fundamental factthat our lands are storehouses of fertility, and that this reserve of power is essential to a successful agriculture. Most soils, no matter how unproductive their condition today, have natural strength that we take into account,either consciously or unconsciously. Continue readingCROPS AND METHODS FOR SOIL IMPROVEMENT -
This book is designed primarily to give the farmer a practical working knowledge of electricity for use as light, heat, and power on the farm. The electric generator, the dynamo, is explained in detail; and there are chapters on electric transmission and house wiring, by which the farm mechanic is enabled to install his own plant without the aid and expense of an expert.
With modern appliances, within the means of the average farmer, the generation of electricity, with its unique conveniences, becomes automatic, provided some dependable source of power is to be had such as a water wheel, gasoline (or other form of internal combustion) engine, or the ordinary windmill. The water wheel is the ideal prime mover for the dynamo in isolated plants.
Since water power is running to waste on tens of thousands of our farms throughout the country, several chapters are devoted to this phase of the subject: these include descriptions and working diagrams of weirs and other simple devices for measuring the flow of streams; there are tables and formulas by which any one, with a knowledge of simple arithmetic, may determine the power to be had from falling water under given conditions; Continue reading
Alternative Power Generation
The preceding book contains a great deal of very useful information to the extent one could construct and operate a working system as detailed.
However, one must keep in mind the difference between then and now regards electrical safety and available equipment as well as alternatives to buying proprietary equipment which, in these days of global warming, is becoming extremely expensive not to mention the reliability issuesconnected with modern manufacturing and cheap materials in modern day use. Therefore, I seek to shed some light on affordable, high quality alternatives and some engineering tricks not to mention the best way to wire the house and buildings etc not only from a safety point of view but also from an efficiency point of view so as to maximize the power generated.
Power generation and use is very much advanced compared to100+ years ago something with a little thought and ingenuity we can easily take advantage of. We will look at one example from which readers in other countries / parts of the world can adapt / adjust accordingly to what they can find lying around; the example is based upon scrap I know for a fact is easily available here in Africa with a little bit of leg work walking around the lanes of villages particularly in rural areas and simply looking at Continue reading
Alternative Power Generation
In this book, Philadelphia Ice Creams, comprising the first group, are very palatable, but expensive. In many parts of the country it is quite difficult to get good cream. For that reason, I have given a group of creams, using part milk and part cream, butit must be remembered that it takes smart "juggling" to make ice cream from milk. By far better use condensed milk, with enough water or milk to rinse out the cans.
Ordinary fruit creams may be made with condensed milk at a cost of about fifteen cents a quart, which, of course, is cheaper than ordinary milk and cream.
In places where neither cream nor condensed milk can be purchased, a fair ice cream is made by adding two tablespoonfuls of olive oil to each quart of milk. The cream for Philadelphia Ice Cream should be rather rich, but not double cream.If pure raw cream is stirred rapidly, it swells and becomes frothy, like the beaten whites of eggs, and is "whipped cream." To prevent this in making Philadelphia Ice Cream, one-half the cream is scalded, and when it is very cold, the remaining half of raw cream is added. This gives the smooth, light and rich consistency which makes these creams so different from others. Continue reading
The Complete Cook
Expertly prescribing the most ready wayes, whether Italian, Spanish, or French, for dressing of Fleshand Fish, &c.
To make a Posset, the Earleof Arundels Way..
Take a quart of Creame, and a quarter of a Nutmeg in it, then put it on the fire, and let it boyl a little while, and as it is boyling take a Pot or Bason, that you meane to make your Posset in,and put in three spoonfuls of Sack, and some eight of Ale, and sweeten it with Sugar, then set it over the coles to warm a little while, then take it off and let it stand till it be almost cool, then put it into the Pot or Bason and stir it a little, and let it stand to simper over the fire an hour or more, for the longer the better.
To boyle a Capon larded with Lemons.
Take a fair Capon and truss him, boyl him by himselfe in faire water with a little small Oat-meal, then take Mutton Broath, and half a pint of White-wine, a bundle of Herbs, whole Mace, season it with Verjuyce, put Marrow, Dates, season it with Sugar, then take preserved Lemons and cut them like Lard, and with a larding pin, lard in it, Continue readingThe Complete Cook
The Art of Preserving, Conserving and Candying
A QUEENS DELIGHT OF Conserves, and Preserves, Candying and Distilling Waters.
To preserve white Pear Plums, or green.
Take the Plums, and cut the stalk off, and wipe them then take the just weight of them in Sugar, then put them in a skillet of water, and let them stand in and scald, being close covered till they be tender, they must not seeth, when they be soft lay them in a Dish, and coverthem with a cloth, and stew some of the the Sugar in the glass bottom, and put in the Plums, strewing the sugar over till all be in, then let them stand all night, the next day put them in a pan, and let them boil a pace, keeping them clean scummed, & when your Plums look clear, your syrup will gelly, and they are enough. If your Plums be ripe, peel off the skins before you put them in the glass; they will be the better and clearer a great deal to dry, if you will take the Plums white;
if green, do them with the rinds on.
To preserve Grapes
Take Grapes when they be almost through ripe, and cut the stalks off, and stone them in the side, and as fast as you can stone them strew Sugar on them; you must take to every pound of Grapes three quarters of a pound of Sugar, then take some of the sower Grapes; Continue readingThe Art of Preserving, Conserving and Candying
I must frankly own, that if I had known, beforehand, that this book would have cost me the labour which it has, I should never have been courageous enough to commence it. What moved me, in the first instance, to attempt a work like this, was the discomfort and suffering which I had seen brought upon men and women by household mismanagement. I have always thought that there is no more fruitful source of family discontent than a housewife's
badly-cooked dinners and untidy ways. Men are now so well served out of doors, at their clubs, well-ordered taverns, and dining-houses, that in order to compete with the attractions of these places, a mistress must be thoroughly acquainted with the theory and practice of cookery, as well as be perfectly conversant with all the other arts of making and keeping a comfortable home.
.In this book I have attempted to give, under thechapters devoted to cookery, an intelligible arrangement to every recipe, a list of the ingredients, a plain statement of the mode of preparing each dish, and a careful estimate of its cost, the number of peoplefor whom it is sufficient, and the time when it is seasonable. Continue reading
It was six years ago that I first heard of the One Period, Cold-Pack Method of canning. A circular was put in my hand one day at a federated club meeting announcing the fact that in a few weeks there would be a cold-pack demonstration about fifty miles away. I announced that I was going to the demonstration. Leaving my small daughter with my mother, I went to the Normal School at DeKalb, Illinois, and heard and saw for the first time cold-pack canning.
It is sufficient to say that those three days were so crowded full of interest and new messages on the gospel of canning that I felt amply repaid for going fifty miles. As a result of that trip, the first story ever published on cold-pack canning appeared in The Country Gentlemanand I had the pleasure of writing it. So enthused was I over this new, efficient and easy way to can not only fruits but hard vegetables, such as peas, corn and beans,
that I wanted to carry the good news into the kitchen of other busy housewives and mothers.
My mother had insisted that I take with me my younger sister, just from college, but with no domestic science tendencies. So, much against her wishes, preferring rather to do some settlement work, my sister went with me. Continue readingEVERY STEP INCANNINGTHE COLD-PACK METHOD
Nym clene Wete and bray it in a morter wel that the holys [2] gon al of and seyt [3] yt til it breste and nym yt up. and lat it kele [4] and nym fayre fresch broth and swete mylk of Almandys or swete mylk of kyne and temper yt al. and nym the yolkys of eyryn [5]. boyle it a lityl and set yt adoun and messe yt forthe wyth fat venyson and fresh moton.[1] See again, No. I. of the second part of this treatise. [2] Hulls. [3] Miswritten for seythor sethe, i.e. seeth. [4] cool. [5] eggs.
II. FOR TO MAKE PISE of ALMAYNE.Nym wyte Pisyn and wasch hem and seth hem a good wyle sithsyn wasch hem in golde [1] watyr unto the holys gon of alle in a pot and kever it wel that no breth passe owt and boyle hem ryzt wel and do therto god mylk of Almandys and a party of flowr of ris and salt and safron and messe yt forthe.[1] cold.Cranys and Herons schulle be euarund [1] wyth Lardons of swyne and rostyd and etyn wyth gyngynyr.
[1] Perhaps enarmed, or enorned. See Mr. Brander's Roll, No. 146.IV.
Pecokys and Partrigchis schul benyparboyld and lardyd and etyn wyth gyngenyr. Continue readingANCIENT COOKERY. A.D. 1381.
Evette Tubby and delightful Lakota friend in Louisiana provided most of the items on this list of materials needed to start the tanning process. The rest comes from what I think I remember.Step 2 - SKINNING
Skin the hide from the carcass keeping it as whole as possible. Make cuts on the inside of the legs and be careful not to make holes.After the hide is removedfrom the carcass, be sure to skin the tail as well. The bones of the tail should beremoved by making a cut along the underside.
If you do not plan to tan the hide immediately after skinning it, remove as much of the flesh, fat, membranous tissue as possible. Lightly sprinkle salt over the inside(hairless) of the hide, tightly roll it and place in a freezer. Continue readingHOOFED ANIMAL HIDE TANNING
From the rafters of the roof of the Drying House are suspended in bunches all the herbs that the grower cultivates.To accelerate the desiccation of rose leaves and other petals, the Drying House is fitted up with large cupboards, which are slightly warmed with a convolving flue, heated from a fire below.The flower buds are placed upon trays made of canvas stretched upon a frame rack, being not less than twelve feet long by four feet wide. When charged they are placed on shelves in the warm cupboards till dry.